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reflection of the international-scale work done by its researchers. In this respect I would like to stress the participation of CIBEROBN re- searchers in a total number of 32 international/ European projects. These range from ERC pro- jects of all kinds (Advanced, Consolidated and Starting Grants) to projects of the VII PM or Ho- rizon 2020.
I believe that everything mentioned above and many other aspects contained in this report vouch for our having obtained our initial objec- tive of “generating an environment for scienti-
fic management and translational research of proven quality in the national and international settings intended for solving healthcare pro- blems in the benefit of the National Health Sys- tem (SNS) and for improving citizens’ quality of life”. This should spur us on to attain an even higher level of excellence enabling us to beco- me recognised agents in the field of research into Obesity and Nutrition.
Carlos Diéguez González Scientific Director
4 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN