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nants, effect on cardiovascular risk, and associations with lipid responses to plant sterols, statins, and eze- timibe.
• Influence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 from plant and marine sources) on carotid athe- rosclerosis assessed by ultrasound and MRI.
• Associations of fatty acids profiles in total blood, total plasma and phospholipid fractions with cardiometa- bolic risk factors and non-alcoholic fatty liver; genetic determinants of the blood omega-3 index; and fatty
acid composition of lipid rafts and intracellular signal
• Investigation of receptors heterodimeric with RXR
(PPAR, FXR, LXR, etc.) and other nuclear receptors participating in energy metabolism in liver, adipose, and skeletal muscle tissues and in macrophages.
• Experimental models of metabolic syndrome in fruc- tose-fed rats and rodent models of senescence. Mo- lecular characterization.
Research Groups
Most relevant scientific articles
KOOPAL C., RETTERSTOL K., SJOUKE B., HOVINGH G.K., ROS E., DE GRAAF J. ET AL. Vascular risk factors, vascular disease, lipids and lipid targets in patients with familial dysbetalipo- proteinemia: A European cross-sectional study. Atheroscle- rosis. 2015;240(1):90-97.
SALA-VILA A., ESTRUCH R., ROS E.. New Insights into the Role of Nutrition in CVD Prevention. Current Cardiology Reports. 2015;17(5).
VALLS-PEDRET C., SALA-VILA A., SERRA-MIR M., CORELLA D., DE LA TORRE R., MARTíNEZ-GONZáLEZ M.A. ET AL. Mediterranean diet and age-related cognitive decline: A randomized clini- cal trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2015;175(7):1094-1103.
• Mining of PREDIMED data: effects of intervention on neurocognition (published 2015) and incidence of de- mentia (in preparation); preventive role of vegetable and marine n-3 fatty acids (published 2016); role of simple sugars on cancer incidence and mortality and total mortality (in preparation); and effects of the in- tervention on carotid plaques by MRI at 2 years (wor- king report).
• The WAHA randomized clinical trial, a dual center study (Hospital Clínic Barcelona and Loma Linda University, California) assesses the 2-y effects of a diet supplemented with walnuts at 15% of energy vs. a control diet on age-related cognitive decline and macular degeneration in 700 volunteers aged 63 to 79 y. The recruitment and 2-year follow-up of 350 participants from our center was completed in De- cember 2015. Results of specific projects are being elaborated.
• On the benefits of membrane enrichment in n-3 fatty acids: Cardiovascular - predictive value in progression of subclinical atherosclerosis and on 6-mo post-is-
ROS E., LóPEZ-MIRANDA J., PICO C., RUBIO M.A., BABIO N., SA- LA-VILA A. ET AL. Consensus on fats and oils in the diet of spanish adults; position paper of the Spanish Federation of Food, nutrition and dietetics societies. Nutrition Hospitala- ria. 2015;32(2):435-477.
GUASCH-FERRE M., BABIO N., MARTíNEZ-GONZáLEZ M.A., CO- RELLA D., ROS E., MARTIN-PELAEZ S. ET AL. Dietary fat intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in a population at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Ame- rican Journal of Clínical Nutrition. 2015;102(6):1563-1573.
chemic recovery of the myocardium in patients survi- ving an acute coronary syndrome (paper submitted). Neurodegenerative diseases – changes in brain and circulating lipids in relation to progression of Alzhei- mer’s disease (elaboration of results). AIDS - effects of n-3 fatty acid incorporation into cultured lympho- cytes on membrane raft organization and ensuing changes of HIV-1 infectivity (results in elaboration).
• Editing of novel clinical guidelines on fats and oils in the Spanish diet.
• Implementation and supervision of the PREDI- MED-PLUS study.
• Incorporation to writing group for clinical guidelines on laboratory medicine of lipids of the European Athe- rosclerosis Society.
• Data sharing on dysbetalipoproteinemia (published 2015).
Institution: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona · Contact:Villarroel, 170. 08036 Barcelona Tel.: 93 227 93 83 · E.mail: [email protected]
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