Page 28 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 28
Training Programme
Coordinator: Manuel Tena Sempere
The CIBEROBN Training Programme is founded on the premise that continuous training is a key element for sustaining research work. As in previous years, the basic feature of the programme has focussed on
the youngest members of the teams, its objectives being to promote the training of researchers in obesity and nutrition (especially emerging and in the consolidation process), to favour their mobility and help to consolidate their professional careers as independent researchers in this thematic area. Another part of the same approach involved thematic training activities being carried out in cooperation with other CIBER thematic areas and other national and international institutions, in the sphere of biomedical research and obesity, intended to bolster our CIBER’s commitment to the continuous training of its members.
In keeping with the programme’s trajectory the main training measures used the vehicle of financing training stays of CIBEROBN members at other national and international reference research groups. Since it started the programme has had an open and dynamic system of applications to this end, enabling it, after assessment by scientific management and the manager, to grant economic aid for going on training stays at CIBEROBN groups (other than the ones located in the city where the applicant group is based) other CIBER groups and groups not within the CIBER structure (both national and international). From
our accumulated experience, these stays have proved to be extremely useful for the progress of our programmes, since the young investigators are trained in specific techniques which they then immediately apply to studies of the group in the CIBEROBN.
More specifically, over the year in 2016, a total number of 8 applications for training stays of CIBEROBN researchers were carried out (two of which will finally be materialised in 2017), most of these involving a duration of roughly or nearly 3 months (which is the maximum time allowed for financing per group and year by the programme). In spite of this representing a slight drop as compared with the number of applications for the previous year (10), we should stress the positive side of the large percentage of internationalisation (ALL except for one of the stays applied for were at distinguished foreign centres in Europe and America)
and involved an extended average stay, of special interest from the standpoint of acquiring knowledge, establishing scientific relationships and developing new techniques and cooperation work.

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