Page 3 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
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Carlos Diéguez, Scientific Director
Scientific Director’s Presentation
It is a pleasure for me to be presenting the annual report on the CIBEROBN’S activity, representing the scientific work done in the field of Obesity and Nutrition in the CIBER public consortium. 2016 was a year of transition in strategic terms, through being the last one in the last strategic plan and the year in which the new plan, to be in force until 2020, was drawn up. All the thinking done for designing the new plan led to some relevant changes. It was decided that the scientific work would be focussed on just two programmes, “Nutrition” and “Obesity”, through considering that there was a great deal of overlapping between the
six hitherto existing. This does not mean any loss of focus on the themes tackled in the programmes beforehand but, on the contrary, represents an attempt to ensure greater integration and greater scientific ambition as regards tackling prevention strategies, knowledge of physiopathological mechanisms and therapies of pathologies connected with the CIBEROBN’S field. In other words, we believe that this is the right time to foster the generation of new synergies between the different groups forming the CIBEROBN. To this end we have also attempted to further application for international projects with the joint participation of several groups and have implemented a new instrument, which is the call for intramural projects.
The report being presented represents the work done by a total number of 33 groups, in which we should mention two new groups which joined the CIBEROBN in 2016 with the aim of reinforcing the child obesity line and who are already perfectly integrated in the organisation.
With regard to the contents of this report I would like to make the following points. An outstanding level
of scientific production has been obtained. Although the total number of publications has remained fairly stable (>500), there has been a noteworthy increase, 25%, in the number of D1 articles, which correlates with an increase in the total FI. This is a sign that CIBEROBN is becoming consolidated as one of the European organisations with greatest scientific production in the field of obesity and nutrition. Even though this data is outstanding, one aspect that should not go unmentioned is the fact that this is also associated with a considerable increase, almost 20%, in the number of publications carried out in cooperation with several CIBEROBN groups, as well as a similar increase in interCIBER cooperation. We should also lastly mention that the CIBEROBN continues to extend its internationalisation, as is vouched for by the increase in the number of publications with international groups, which now make up almost 40% of these, and
an increase in the application for, and obtaining of, projects financed in international calls. We should emphasise the fact that the financing obtained by CIBEROBN researchers in national or international projects increases year by year regardless of their management.
This scientific production data indicates a high degree of excellence as regards the generation of knowledge and translation, oriented towards solving healthcare problems in benefit of the national healthcare system (SNS) and improving people’s quality of life. As evidence of the demonstrable quality
of the work done in this field, in both national and international spheres, such milestones have been achieved as the recognition of the Mediterranean Diet as a regime standard effective in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in American Diet Guides; in the primary prevention of cerebrovascular accidents in American Guides on primary prevention of strokes; or in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in
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