Page 24 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Scientific Programmes
Body Weight Homeostasis Physiopathology
In 2015, the Programme’s development continued with excellent results, and some highly relevant contributions have been made based not only on the research work done by the groups involved, but especially as a result of cooperative work between CIBEROBN teams. In 2015 over 40 international publications of CIBEROBN teams connected with
Another field of the Programme’s research involves finding out about the role played in obesity by cer- tain emerging endocrine factors identified by means of preclinical studies in animal models. In this res- pect we should stress the publication concerned with new hormones FGF21 and FGF19 in obese pa- tients, as a result of the cooperation between two CI-
the objectives of the Programme can be identified. Some are mentioned below in view of their relevan- ce and the cooperative basis of the Programme in their execution.
One of the Programme’s essential lines of work is research into the effects of hormonal and nutritional alterations in early stages of development on obesi- ty in the adult, and learning the molecular and phy- siological mechanisms involved. One highly relevant contribution in this field, which clarifies the role of the interaction between metabolic and gonadotro- pic determinants in the female was the publication: “Metabolic and Gonadotropic Impact of Sequential Obesogenic Insults in the Female: Influence of the Loss of Ovarian Secretion”. Sánchez-Garrido MA,..., Diéguez C, Pinilla L, Tena-Sempere M. Endocrinolo- gy. 2015; 156:2984-98, as a result of the cooperation between two CIBEROBN teams (M. Tena-Sempere; C, Diéguez) in the Programme. Another example of collaborative study within these objectives of the programme was: “Moderate calorie restriction during gestation programs offspring for lower BAT thermogenic capacity driven by thyroid and sympa- thetic signaling”. Palou M,...Remesar X, Palou A, Pico C. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015, 39:339-45, in which two CIBEROBN groups cooperated (X. Remesar and A. Palou).
BEROBN teams working in the programme (G. Fru- hbeck; F.Villarroya): “Opposite alterations in FGF21 and FGF19 levels and disturbed expression of the receptor machinery for endocrine FGFs in obese patients”. Gallego-Escuredo JM,..., Frühbeck G, Villa- rroya F. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015, 39:121-9.
Along with the scientific achievements materialising in publications, the Programme continued to carry out its measures for invigorating and coordinating effectively in 2015. The internal database of animal models available is maintained, and support has been given to importing and transferring among groups of animal models, particularly mice with ge- netic modifications, relevant for the study of obesi- ty. Annual coordination meetings and for scientific exchange have been held by combining the internal meetings of the Programme along with sessions in which international scientists take part, a highly pro- ductive setting, as was already seen in other yearly periods. In the present year the meeting “Emerging models in obesity research” was arranged (schedu- led for December 2015 but, for logistics reasons, to be held in March 2016 in Barcelona), with the parti- cipation of international experts in the use of uncon- ventional animal models in research into obesity.
24 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN