Page 22 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Scientific Programmes
of Sub-programme 2 (P4):
A.1) Collection of data, assessment and comparati- ve analysis of neurocognitive, olfactory-sensory and neurodevelopmental data in clinical samples, with extreme weight situations, throughout a treatment.
In the longitudinal sub-programme 121 women have already been assessed after the 6-month/1-year fo- llow-up subsequent to an operation (43 AN, 55 con- trols and 23 obese after Bariatric Surgery).
C.1) Analysis of the effectiveness of a brain-training treatment in clinical samples with extreme weight/ food situations, for modulation of neurocognitive parameters. Case studies - control.
• SAUVAGET A ET AL. (2015). Transcranial direct cu- rrent stimulation (tDCS) in behavioral and food ad- diction: a systematic review of efficacy, technical, and methodological issues. Front Neurosci.; 9:349.
• FERNáNDEZ-ARANDA F ET AL. (2015). The Use of Videogames as Complementary Therapeutic Tool for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Bulimia Ner-
B.1) Analysis of neurocognitive, metabolic and en- docrine predictors in extreme weight situations (Anorexia nervosa and Obesity) after a treatment.
• AGüERA, Z. (2015). Changes in body composition in Anorexia nervosa: predictors of recovery and treat- ment outcome. PLoS One. 23; 10(11):e0143012.
• AGüERA Z, ET AL. (2015). Psychological and Per- sonality Predictors of Weight Loss and Comorbid Metabolic Changes After Bariatric Surgery. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 23(6):509-16.
• SAUCHELI ET AL. (2015). Physical activity in anore- xia nervosa: how relevant is it to therapy response? European Psychiatry, 30(8): 924-31.
vosa Patients. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 18(12):744-51.
• GINER-BARTOLOMé C ET AL. (2015). Can an inter- vention based on a serious videogame prior to cog- nitive behavioral therapy be helpful in bulimia ner- vosa? A clinical case study. Front Psychol.; 6:982.
Results of programme 4 have also been presen- ted at papers at different national and international congresses and symposia: SEEDO 2015 (Malaga), ICBA-2015 Budapest, ECO 2015 (Prague), EDRS 2015 (Sicily), SEEN-2015 (Madrid).
22 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN

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