Page 20 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 20
Scientific Programmes
Complications of Obesity and Childhood Obesity
As part of the programme on Complications of Obe- sity and Childhood Obesity we should stress the following as most important achievements. All of them are backed by documentary evidence of seve- ral scientific articles or patents.
• We have gone on furthering several lines of re- search thanks to the CordioPrev study. We have proven that insulin resistance phenotypes may partly determine the biological response to di- fferent types of diet. The results of the LIPGENE study have also shown that patients with resis- tance to insulin (highest HOMAIR) would be more vulnerable to the healthy substitution of satura- ted fat by monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat.
• We have shown that a low-fat diet may be es- pecially beneficial in homozygotes for the major allele of polymorphism rs4580704 of the CLOCK gene.
• In the ageing line, we are laying the scientific foundations for developing a technology platform enabling assessing the degree of ageing and es- tablishing a pattern for personalised nutritional treatment based on the patient’s clinical, biologi- cal and genetic profile.
• We have continued to provide data for the expla- nation of the discordant phenotypes of obesi- ty-diabetes:
-We have shown the importance in this discor- dance of molecules of the adipose tissue such as PTHrp, the vitamin D receptor, Zinc-α2-Glyco- protein along with ceramides and the degree of mono-unsaturation of fatty acids.
-We have proven that the mesenchymal cells of the obese with metabolic syndrome are less ca- pable of being differentiated into bone and adi- pose tissue.
-We have shown that thin persons with metabo- lic illness have a high degree of inflammation in their subcutaneous adipose tissue.
• We have supplied information on the relationship of the microbiota with metabolic disease (two pa- tents have been registered) as well as the chan- ges taking place in this with hygiene-diet interven- tions and antibiotic treatment.
• We have established the relationship between mi- crobiota and certain brain functions for the first time.
• The relationship between nutritional parameters such as ferritin and the lean mass with the thick- ness of the carotid intima media.
Obesity-Cancer Sub-programme
• Analysis of the methylome in breast and colon cancer associated with obesity: with the prepa- ration of two titled manuscripts sent for publi- shing in first decile journals.
Childhood Obesity Sub-Programme
• Importance of the GH/IGF-I axis in bodily grow- th and composition: Last year we described the first mutation in metalloprotease PAPP-A2, which generates delay in postnatal growth and modi- fications in body composition (in the press and patent pending). This protease carries out its pro- teolytic effect on the transport proteins of IGFs number 3 (IGFBP-3) and 5 (IGFBP-5). These fin- dings describe a new syndrome which helps to understand the physiology of the GH/IGF system.
• Role of hypothalamic astrocytes in the physio- logy and physiopathology of metabolic control: We have published the results of the effect of me- tabolic factors (ghrelin and leptin) and nutritional factors (fructose and fatty acids) on hypothala- mic astrocytes in neuroendocrinal control of me- tabolism and development of resistance to leptin and insulin and results of the analysis of protecti- ve effects of sex hormones and resveratrol.
• Long-term metabolic effects of diet modifica- tions and early hormones: Studies of the effects of nutrition, stress and hormonal changes (leptin and sexual steroids) in the uterus and/or during the neonatal stage.
20 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN