Page 19 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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In keeping with the founding spirit of the CIBERs, as part of the research work done in the Adipobio- logy Programme, intra- and inter-CIBER cooperative work has been implemented, as well as working with groups of renowned international status. This has enabled taking on much more ambitious and exten- sive projects, which would not otherwise have been possible and has materialised in some very signi- ficant findings (Hong et al. Nature Medicine 2015; 21:887-94). Some relevant achievements to be stres- sed are having gone further into knowledge of the contribution of adipose tissue to the overall metabo- lic control modulating lipolysis, adipose expansion, insulin-resistance and inflammation (Michailidou et al. Diabetes 2015;64:733-45/Moreno-Navarrete et al. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein is an adipoki- ne involved in the resilience of the mouse adipocyte to inflammation. Diabetologia 2015; 58:2424-34 / Marques-Rocha et al. FASEB J 2015; 29:3595- 611), as well as its response to surgical and/or diet operations (FrüHbeck. Nature Rev Endocrinol 2015; 11:465-77 / Ortega et al. Surgery-induced weight loss is associated with the downregulation of genes targeted by mi- croRNAs in adipose tissue. J Clin En- docrinol Metab 2015; 100:E1467-76 / Yubero-se- rrano et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 102:1509-17). It should be pointed out that cooperation between groups has extended ,to take on transversal projects between different CIBERs (Inter-CIBER Inflames Project), as well as between different programmes in the CIBEROBN. This is seen in the case of the study on the microbiota (Fernández-real et al. Gut microbiota interacts with brain microstructure and function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100:4505- 13 / Mar Rodríguez et al. Obesity changes the hu- man gut mycobiome. Sci Rep 2015; 5:14600) or betatrophin, which have been possible thanks to the added and synergic effect with the Neurocogni- tion programme (Barja-Fernández et al. Circulating betatrophin levels are increased in anorexia and de- creased in morbidly obese women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100:E1188-96).
Progress has also been made in the establishment of the two-way relationship existing between the metabolism of iron and glycemic control, an area in which the CIBEROBN group is a genuine pioneer and world leader (Fernández-real et al. Mechanisms linking glucose homeostasis and iron metabolism toward the onset and progression of type 2 diabe- tes. Diabetes Care 2015; 38:2169-76). A contribution has also been made to proving the dynamic endo- crine function of adipose tissue, such as in the case of expression of the vitamin D receptor (Clemen- te-Postigo et al. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and adipose tissue vitamin D receptor gene expression: relationship with obesity and type 2 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100:E591-5) or of the grow- th factors of fibroblasts (Gallego-Escuredo et al. Opposite alterations in FGF21 and FGF19 levels and disturbed expression of the receptor machinery for endocrine FGFs in obese patients. Int J Obes 2015; 39:121-9).
Other translation work should be added to this pro- lific and relevant publishing activity such as the preparation of clinical guidelines and positioning documents whose attention focusses on obesity in general and excess adiposity in particular. Similarly, the groups in Programme 2 have taken part in for- ming international consortiums (see participation in European projects) and pursued the development of patents.
Scientific Programmes
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 19