Page 28 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 28
Platform FATBANK
In 2015 the main achievements of the platform were:
• A face-to-face meeting in Barcelona of all the PIs, the director of the Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IDIBGI) and the coordinator of the Bio- banco IDIBGI, to consolidate the implication of all the nodes and establish cooperation agreements of the FATBANK platform at the IDIBGI Biobank.
• Incorporating the protocol for collecting stools, in order to obtain more data. At present the co- llection of stool samples has been added to the FATBANK collection, meaning that the samples currently collected from each donor are: serum, EDTA plasma, buffy coat, visceral and parietal adipose tissue and stools.
• Updating the version of FATBANK’s informed con- sent, including the collection of stool samples: CI Fatbank Biobank IDIB- GI_V3. After being appro- ved by the CEIC of IDIBGI Biobank this has been distributed to all the nodes in order to obtain the approval of their respective committees.
• Updating of Standardised Operating Procedures (SOPs):
> obtaining serum > EDTA plasma
> buffy coats
> adipose tissue
> stools
• Donors registered in 2015:
> Girona node: 84 donors
> Santiago de Compostela node: 28 donors > Navarre node: 46 donors
> Cordoba node: 0 donors
> Malaga node: 0 donors
28 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN