Page 45 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
SAUCHELLI S, ARCELUS J, SáNCHEZ I, RIESCO N, JIMé- NEZ-MURCIA S, GRANERO R ET AL. Physical activity in ano- rexia nervosa: How relevant is it to therapy response?. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2015;30(8):924-31.
FERNáNDEZ-REAL J.-M., SERINO M., BLASCO G., PUIG J., DAUNIS-I-ESTADELLA J., RICART W. ET AL. Gut microbio- ta interacts with brain microstructure and function. Journal of Clínical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015;100(12):4505-4513.
• Neurocognitive functioning under extreme wei- ght conditions (from Obesity to Anorexia nervo- sa): Detection of specific endophenotypes and their association with therapy response (PI11/ 210)- FIS/ ISCIII.
• Intensification Program for Research Activity of Clinical Specialists of the National Health Depart- ment SNS-ICS (Ref. INT12/270) Instituto de Sa- lud Carlos III-Generalitat Cataluña (FFA).
• EU COST-Action: European Union- Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences: GnRH deficiency: Elu- cidation of the neuroendocrine control of human reproduction (BM1105).
• Networking Research Grant (Agencia de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) “Clinical-Bio- logical Psychiatry and Psychology Group” (2014 SGR 1672).
• Neurocognition and emotional regulation in Ex- treme Weight Conditions: A study of Brain Activi- ty and cognitive changes associated with serios video game intervention (PI14/ 290)- FIS-ISCIII.
tatrophin levels are increased in anorexia and decreased in morbidly obese women. Journal of Clínical Endocrinolo- gy and Metabolism. 2015;100(9):E1188-E1196.
AGüERA Z, ROMERO X, ARCELUS J, SáNCHEZ I, RIESCO N, JI- MéNEZ-MURCIA S ET AL. Changes in Body Composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Predictors of Recovery and Treatment Outcome.PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0143012.
ISLAM MA, FAGUNDO AB, ARCELUS J, AGüERA Z, JIMé- NEZ-MURCIA S, FERNáNDEZ-REAL JM ET AL. Olfaction in ea- ting disorders and abnormal eating behavior: a systematic review.Frontiers in psychology. 2015;6:1431.
• EchoBUTLER -ICT solutions for independent li- ving with cognitive impairment (H2020-643566) H2020 Innovation Action/ PHC-20-2014.
• Excellence Research Networking Grant in Psy- chology – (PSI2014-56303-REDT)- PROMOSAM.
• TICs-Innovation and Technological implementa- tion for the Treatment of the Impulsivity in Eating Disorders and Impulse Control Disorders, Univer- sity Hospital of Bellvitge, Barcelona (Spain).
• Participation in the following international con- sortiums: Healthy Eating, Playmancer, GWAS: Genomewide Association Study of Anorexia ner- vosa; PGC: Psychiatric Genomics Consortium;
• International Guidelines: Based Treatment for Ea- ting Disorders Children, Adolescents and Adults.
Institution: Fundación IDIBELL · Contact: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. C/ Freixa Larga s/n 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat · Tel.: 93 260 72 27 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
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