Page 47 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
HONG S., MORENO-NAVARRETE J.M., WEI X., KIKUKAWA Y., TZAMELI I., PRASAD D. ET AL. Nicotinamide N-methyltransfe- rase regulates hepatic nutrient metabolism through Sirt1 protein stabilization. Nature Medicine. 2015;21(8):887- 894.
FERNáNDEZ-REAL JM, MCCLAIN D, MANCO M. Mechanis- ms Linking Glucose Homeostasis and Iron Metabolism Toward the Onset and Progression of Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes care. 2015;38(11):2169-76.
SERRANO M, MORENO M, BASSOLS J, MORENO-NAVARRETE JM, ORTEGA F, RICART W ET AL. Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor is increased in adipose tissue of obese subjects:
The main results fall within the following research lines: Microbiota and obesity. Fungal microbiota has been described for the first time to be altered in obese subjects. A specific fungal microflora has also been characterized in metabolically healthy subjects, as opposed to the profile of mycobiota as- sociated to arteriosclerosis of the carotid artery. We have also provided the first observation ever that de- monstrates a relationship among the composition of the intestinal bacterial microbiota, brain micros- tructure and cognitive function in humans (JCEM). Adipobiology. In collaboration with the group of Dr Pissios at Harvard University, NNMT has been dis- closed as an important factor regulating cholesterol metabolism in humans (Nat Medicine).Within the program of adipobiology, CAR has been investiga- ted in human adipose tissue. CAR gene expres- sion was more expressed in visceral adipose tissue compared with subcutaneous adipose tissue, and clearly increased in obese subjects (4) . This article has been highlighted as the best of 2015 in the best
a role for adenovirus infection?. The Journal of clinical en- docrinology and metabolism. 2015;100(3):1156-63.
MAR RODRíGUEZ M., PéREZ D., JAVIER CHAVES F., ESTEVE E., MARIN-GARCíA P., XIFRA G. ET AL. Obesity changes the hu- man gut mycobiome. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
FERNáNDEZ-REAL J.-M., SERINO M., BLASCO G., PUIG J., DAUNIS-I-ESTADELLA J., RICART W. ET AL. Gut microbio- ta interacts with brain microstructure and function. Journal of Clínical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015;100(12):4505-4513.
worldwide magazine of clinical endocrinology (Jour- nal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism), and the group was invited to present the work in the next meeting of the Endocrine Society in Boston. Iron and metabolism. Finally, we want to highlight the invited publication in Diabetes Care in collaboration with Dr. Melania Manco from Rome and Dr McClain from USA (5) in recognition of the research line of the group which focus on the interactions among body iron, obesity and insulin resistance.
Two doctoral theses:
• Eva López Navarro thesis, entitled: “Study of the expression of thyroid hormone receptors 03/27/2015.
• Gerard Solà Blasco thesis, entitled: “Study of ca- rotid arterial stiffness,” 05/22/2015.
A FIS project (277,000 euros) (2016-2018), an Euro- pean project (PEPPER) (670,000 euros), and a new “Net” (ADIPOPLAST) have been granted.
Institution: Fundación Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona · Contact: Hospital Josep Trueta Av. de França s/n, Planta 9. 17007 Girona · Tel.: 972 94 02 00 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 47