Page 49 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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• Nutrition, diet and cancer:
- Pro-oxidant and antioxidant nutritional factors and their influence on carcinogenesis: the role of estro- gens.
- Dietary patterns defined a priori and a posteriori and incidence and recurrence of cancer.
Most relevant scientific articles
DíAZ-LóPEZ A, BABIO N, MARTíNEZ-GONZáLEZ MA, CORELLA diovascular risk in the predimed trial a randomized clinical D, AMOR AJ, FITó M ET AL. Mediterranean Diet, Retinopathy, trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2015;175(11):1752-1760.
Research Groups
Nephropathy, and Microvascular Diabetes Complications:
A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Trial.Diabetes care. 2015;38(11):2134-41.
GUASCH-FERRE M., BABIO N., MARTíNEZ-GONZáLEZ M.A., CO- RELLA D., ROS E., MARTIN-PELAEZ S. ET AL. Dietary fat intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortali- ty in a population at high risk of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Clínical Nutrition. 2015;102(6):1563- 1573.
TOLEDO E., SALAS-SALVADO J., DONAT-VARGAS C., BUIL-CO- SIALES P., ESTRUCH R., ROS E. ET AL. Mediterranean diet and invasive breast cancer risk among women at high car-
Our main efforts of the year 2015 have been cen- tred on the field work of the study PREDIMED-PLUS. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention based on the promotion of a hypocaloric Mediterranean diet, physical activity and behavioural therapy on car- diovascular disease prevention. During 2015 we have randomized into the study around 200 parti- cipants. Our centres has been responsible in 2015 of coordinating, and continues to coordinate the ECG reading centre of the study PREDIMED-PLUS. We are also participating in the coordination of the
CORELLA D., ESTRUCH R., FITO M. ET AL. Is complying with the recommendations of sodium intake beneficial for health in individuals at high cardiovascular risk? Findings from the PREDIMED study. American Journal of Clínical Nutrition. 2015;101(3):440-448.
VALVI D., CASAS M., ROMAGUERA D., MONFORT N., VENTURA R., MARTíNEZ D. ET AL. Prenatal phthalate exposure and childhood growth and blood pressure: Evidence from the spanish inma-sabadell birth cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2015;123(10):1022-1029.
sub-study of DEXA in PREDIMED-PLUS. We are also performing echocardiograms to our patients, along with other CIBER-OBN centres, and we toge- ther with researchers from the US have applied to a Project to the USA NIH to evaluate the effect of the intervention PREDIMED-PLUS on atrial fibrilla- tion and its substrate. Last but not least, we should highlight that our group is developing a sub-study focused on the analysis of the origin of uric lithal- sas in the patients of the PREDIMED-PLUS study, led by Dr. Rafael Prieto.
Institution: Universitat de les Illes Balears · Contact: Facultad de Ciencias de Mallorca Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. 07122 Palma · Tel.: 971 172 070 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 49