Page 50 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 50
Research Groups
Riesgo Cardiovascular y Nutrición (CARIN)
Programme: Neurocognition and environmental-biological factors / Physiopathology of the Homeostasis of Body Weight / Nutrition / New Strategies and Biomarkers / Complications of Obesity
Lead Researcher: Fitó Colomer, Montserrat
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Blasco Lapuente, Anna | Quifer Araujo, Mireia.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Castañer Niño, Olga | Covas Planells, Maria Isabel | De la Torre Fornell, Rafael | Farras Mañé, Marta | Forcano Gamazo, Laura | Goday Arno, Alberto | Hernáez Camba, Álvaro | Martín Peláez, Sandra | Muñoz Aguayo, Daniel | Pastor Bosch, Antoni | Pujadas Bastardes, Maria Antònia | Rodríguez Morato, José | Tello Rovira, Susana.
Main lines of research
The Mediterranean diet, its foods and the interaction among different nutrients, has healthy effects on mor- bidity and mortality related to chronic degenerative di- seases, such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerati- ve. Into this context, the main objective of our research is to determine the benefit of a healthy diet pattern and some of characteristic food (olive oil and wine among others) on different cardiovascular risk factors, in heal- thy and in patients. To establish the cellular and mole- cular mechanisms that contribute to these benefits is also a key part of our research activity. Based on the knowledge of these underlying mechanisms of the be- nefit of the diet, progress is being achieved in research of the classical and emergent risk factors for cardio- vascular and neurodegenerative diseases together with in the establishment of future risk biomarkers.
To achieve these goals, we are working at present in the following research lines:
• Nutrition intervention studies on the cardiovascular and neurodegenerative risk.
• Classical and emergent risk factors for cardiovas- cular and neurodegenerative diseases, including imaging biomarkers.
• Molecular and cellular mechanisms related with risk and protective factors for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease. Role of high density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low density (LDL), the inte- raction between diet and intestinal flora, and nutri- genomics.
• Nutritional Epidemiology and Epidemiology and Obesity and Diabetes management.
50 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN