Page 51 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
HERNAEZ A., REMALEY A.T., FARRAS M., FERNáNDEZ-CASTI- LLEJO S., SUBIRANA I., SCHRODER H. ET AL. Olive oil polyphe- nols decrease LDL concentrations and LDL atherogenicity in men in a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Nutri- tion. 2015;145(8):1692-1697.
FARRAS M., CASTANER O., MARTIN-PELAEZ S., HERNAEZ A., SCHRODER H., SUBIRANA I. ET AL. Complementary phenol-enriched olive oil improves HDL characteristics in hypercholesterolemic subjects. A randomized, dou- ble-blind, crossover, controlled trial. The VOHF study. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2015;59(9):1758- 1770.
The highlight of 2015 was the granting of four na- tional projects and European, the group leader is the main researcher in two of the national ones:
• FIS project “HDL funcionality for the prediction of cardiovascular events in a 5-year follow-up, in ge- neral population. Life-style as a modulatory fac- tor” with the amount of 98,010 euros; PI: Montse- rrat Fitó.
• Project of the Marató de TV3 in Cataluña “Novel predictors of Coronary heart disease: endothelial Microparticles, HDL functionality, and fatty acid composition of cell membranes” of 133,907 eu- ros; PI: Montserrat Fitó.
• European project (DG Justice Action Grants) “Pre- dicting Risk of Emerging Drugs With in silico and Clinical Toxicology (PREDICT)” of 400,000 euros; PI: Rafael de la Torre.
• CDTI project “Biomolecules of the olive epidermis as adjuvant in the treatment of metabolic syndro- me” of 50,400 euros; PI: Rafael de la Torre.
HERNAEZ A., FARRAS M., FITO M.. Olive oil phenolic com- pounds and high-density lipoprotein function. Current Opi- nion in Lipidology. 2015.
VALLS R.-M., FARRAS M., SUAREZ M., FERNáNDEZ-CASTILLE- JO S., FITO M., KONSTANTINIDOU V. ET AL. Effects of functio- nal olive oil enriched with its own phenolic compounds on endothelial function in hypertensive patients. A randomi- sed controlled trial. Food Chemistry. 2015;167:30-35.
NAVARRO E., FUNTIKOVA A.N., FITO M., SCHRODER H.. Can metabolically healthy obesity be explained by diet, gene- tics, and inflammation?. Molecular Nutrition and Food Re- search. 2015;59(1):75-93.
• Project of the Spanish Society of Internal Medici- ne “Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, adhe- rence to the Mediterranean diet and legacy effect on 1000 patients, 10 years after an intervention with Mediterranean diet” of 30,000 euros; PI: Emili Sacanella.
In addition to these gains to finance the work of the next few years, progress is being made in the re- cruitment and management of the PREDIMED-plus Study and two subprojects based on the improving of the neurocognitive status and functionality of HDL.
In 2015, a European project under the H2020- PHC-2014-2015 (H2020-PHC-2015-single-stage Proposal: 690,166-selfie) call was requested about the development of a recommender of a healthy li- festyle for patients who have suffered a stroke. Al- though the project was rejected, the creation of the consortium has promoted presenting again a new project this year.
Institution: Consorci Mar Parc Salut de Barcelona · Contact: C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88, 1a Planta. 08003 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 316 07 24 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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