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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
GóMEZ-AMBROSI J, CATALáN V, RODRíGUEZ A, SALVADOR J, FRüHBECK G. Does body adiposity better predict obe- sity-associated cardiometabolic risk than body mass index?. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2015;65(6):632-3.
Fruhbeck G.. Bariatric and metabolic surgery: A shift in eli- gibility and success criteria. Nature Reviews Endocrinolo- gy. 2015;11(8):465-477.
RODRíGUEZ A., MORENO N.R., BALAGUER I., MENDEZ-GIMé- NEZ L., BECERRIL S., CATALAN V. ET AL. Leptin administra- tion restores the altered adipose and hepatic expression of aquaglyceroporins improving the non-alcoholic fatty liver of ob/ob mice. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
• Prospective study of the changes in energy ex- penditure after bariatric surgery. FIS_INTRASA- LUD-ISCIII_Frühbeck.
• Identification of novel modulators of chronic in- flammation in prevalent diseases: unveiling diver- gent mechanisms of disease. FIS-ISCIII.
• Role of interleukin-32 in the regulation of macro- phage polarization in adipose tissue. Involvement in the obesity-associated inflammation and co- morbidities. FIS-ISCIII_Catalán.
• Implication of ghrelin isoforms in the develop- ment of steatosis and non-alcoholic steatohepa- titis associated with obesity and insulin resistan- ce. FIS-ISCIII_Rodríguez.
• Study of the implication of osteopontin in colon cancer development in the context of obesity. FIS-ISCIII_Gómez Ambrosi.
• Study of the regulation of aquagliceroporins in in- sulin-sensitive tissues in an obesity and insulin re- sistance context. Dept. Salud, GobNav_Rodríguez.
• Implication of obesity and type 2 diabetes melli- tus in colon cancer development. Gene expres- sion analysis involved in metilation, inflammation and tumoral growth in adipose tissue and peri- pheral blood. DeptoSalud, GobNav_Catalán.
RODRíGUEZ A., BECERRIL S., MENDEZ-GIMéNEZ L., RAMíREZ B., SAINZ N., CATALAN V. ET AL. Leptin administration ac- tivates irisin-induced myogenesis via nitric oxide-depen- dent mechanisms, but reduces its effect on subcutaneous fat browning in mice. International Journal of Obesity. 2015;39(3):397-407.
MONCADA R., BECERRIL S., RODRíGUEZ A., MENDEZ-GIMéNEZ L., RAMíREZ B., CATALAN V. ET AL. Sleeve Gastrectomy Re- duces Body Weight and Improves Metabolic Profile also in Obesity-Prone Rats. Obesity Surgery. 2015.
• Study of the effect of adipose tissue dysfunction in the obesity-associated cardiometabolic alte- rations and its influence during aging. CAN_Gó- mez-Ambrosi.
• SPOTLIGHT – Sustainable Prevention of Obesity Through Integrated Strategies. EU-Commission_ Brug.
• 2014 EASO Position Statement on the Use of An- ti-Obesity Drugs. Obes Facts. 2015;8(3):166-74.
Collaboration & publications with CIBEROBN groups of Drs. Casanueva, Fernández- Real, Fernández-Aran- da, Diéguez, Tena-Sempere, Botella, Argente, Tinaho- nes, Villaroya, Fitó-Colomer, López-Miranda.
Collaboration & publications with Drs. Calamita (Ba- ri,Italy), Soveral (Lisboa, Portugal), Yumuk (Istanbul,- Turkey), Toplak (Graz,Austria), Woodward (European Association for the Study of Obesity), Halford (Liver- pool,UK), Oppert (Paris,France).
Institution: Universidad de Navarra · Contact: Clínica Universitaria de Navarra · Ava Pío XII, 36 31008 Pamplona · Tel.: 948 25 54 00 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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