Page 55 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
ARRANZ S., MARTíNEZ-HUELAMO M., VALLVERDU-QUERALT A., VALDERAS-MARTíNEZ P., ILLAN M., SACANELLA E. ET AL. Influence of olive oil on carotenoid absorption from toma- to juice and effects on postprandial lipemia. Food Chemis- try. 2015;168:203-210.
MARTíNEZ-HUELAMO M., TULIPANI S., ESTRUCH R., ESCRIBA- NO E., ILLAN M., CORELLA D. ET AL. The tomato sauce ma- king process affects the bioaccessibility and bioavailabi- lity of tomato phenolics: A pharmacokinetic study. Food Chemistry. 2015;173:864-872.
VALLVERDU-QUERALT A., VERBAERE A., MEUDEC E., CHEY- NIER V., SOMMERER N.. Straightforward method to quantify
In the last year 2015 the Natural Antioxidant Group was involved in several projects:
• The group started working in the Project “Probio- tics increase the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds in human body and reduce cardio- vascular risk parameters” thanks to the grant of the Instituto Danone.
• Has continued working in the Project “Bioactive compounds of sofrito. Metabolomic study and mechanisms involved in the control of oxidative stress and inflammation.” with a grant of the Mi- nisterio de Economía y Competitividad.
• Dr. M. Carmen López Sabater has participated in the Project “Fatty acids role during the first life stage on the risk of obesity and neurodeve- lopmental of the child and Dr. Elvira Escribano Ferrer has continued collaborating with the Pro- ject “Self-assembly technologies of amphiphilic molecules for therapeutical applications”, both projects are grants of the Ministerio de Economía y competitividad.
• The project “Risks and benefits of the ethanol and polyphenol content in beer: effects of mode- rate consumption on cardiovascular system” has been completed. Also the projects “Risks and be- nefits of moderate beer intake (with and without alcohol) on osteoporosis in postmenopausal wo-
GSH, GSSG, GRP, and hydroxycinnamic acids in wines by UPLC-MRM-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemis- try. 2015;63(1):142-149.
CHAVEZ-SERVIN J.L., DE LA TORRE CARBOT K., GARCíA-GAS- CA T., CASTELLOTE A.I., LóPEZ-SABATER M.C.. Content and evolution of potential furfural compounds in commercial milk-based infant formula powder after opening the pac- ket. Food Chemistry. 2015;166:486-491.
VALLVERDU-QUERALT A., LAMUELA-RAVENTOS R.M.. Foo- domics: A new tool to differentiate between organic and conventional foods. Electrophoresis. 2015.
men” and “Evaluation of moderate daily intake of beer in reducing menopausal symptoms. Estro- genic effect of hop prenylflavanoids” have been granted by the “European Research on Alcoho- lism Board – ERAB”, they will start in 2016.
The clinical trial “Assessment of different doses of polyphenols from dealcoholized red wine and red wine on blood pressure and endothelial function in subjects with metabolic syndrome and high cardio- vascular risk” has been done.
The group collaborated internationally with the Uni- versity of California Davis analyzing biological sam- ples and the New York Obesity Center of Columbia University thanks to the stay of Dr. Lamuela.
Also in the year 2015, the group was present in 6 national and international conferences on various topics within the field of nutrition.
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona · Contact: Facultad de Farmacia. Diagonal, 645. 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 402 45 23 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 55