Page 63 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
PICHLER G., MARTíNEZ F., VICENTE A., SOLAZ E., CALAFORRA O., LURBE E. ET AL. Influence of obesity in central blood pressure. Journal of Hypertension. 2015;33(2):308-313.
IVORRA C., FRAGA M.F., BAYON G.F., FERNáNDEZ A.F., GAR- CíA-VICENT C., CHAVES F.J. ET AL. DNA methylation patter- ns in newborns exposed to tobacco in utero. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2015;13(1).
BERMUDEZ L., GARCíA-VICENT C., LóPEZ J., TORRO M.I., LUR- BE E.. Assessment of ten trace elements in umbilical cord
• Research Unit Unidad de investigación conjun- ta para la innovacion tecnológica en pediatría -PEDITEC- orientada al bienestar del niño with the Polytechnic University of Valencia, uses both heal- th along with engineers who develop software for capturing signals via mobile devices. The study of physiological parameters that allow for thera- peutic individualization has been a priority during the year 2015 has advanced in clinical practice in obese pediatric patients in Unit Against Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk in Children and Adoles- cents. The project financed by FIPSE of the Heal- th Institute Carlos III entitled “Development of a plan for the transfer of a prototype analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness and its application in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity” is being carried out and is practically complete with relevant results.
• The PAIDO program continues its activities in Unit Against Cardiovascular Risk in Children and Ado- lescents of the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, coordinated by the group of Dr. Lurbe.
blood and maternal blood: Association with birth weight. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2015;13(1).
LISON J.F., CEBOLLA A., GUIXERES J., áLVAREZ-PITTI J., ESCO- BAR P., BRUNO A. ET AL. Competitive active video games: Physiological and psychological responses in children and adolescents. Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada). 2015;20(7):373-376.
REDON J, LURBE E. The kidney in obesity.Current hyperten- sion reports. 2015;17(6):555.
The Programme of Personalised Integrated Care for Childhood Obesity (PAIDO) extends to the din- volvement of the family, educators, nutritionists, physical education teachers and other actors of various kinds. Thus, the treatment of this patho- logy goes beyond the hospital space and also in- volves the environment and the child’s own indivi- dual sphere. This has also been supported by the introduction of modern technologies of artificial intelligence. The results of the effectiveness of the program are now being analysed.
• Development of the FIS Project: Prospective study from birth of children who have reached 10 years of age. With over 200 children. The study combines information and umbilical cord mate- rial with epigenetic studies and metabolomics, and the follow-up of clinical parameters and car- diometabolic phenotype.
• Currently, Dr. Lurbe is the coordinator of the new document of the European Guidelines on Hyper- tension in Children and Adolescents.
Institution: Consorci Hospital General Universitari València · Contact: H. G. Universitario Valencia
Avda Tres Cruces, 2 Planta 3 pabellón C. 46014 Valencia · Tel.: 96 197 22 10 · E.mail: [email protected]
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