Page 61 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
YUBERO-SERRANO E.M., DELGADO-LISTA J., TIERNEY A.C., Pé- REZ-MARTíNEZ P., GARCíA-RIOS A., ALCALA-DIAZ J.F. ET AL. Insulin resistance determines a differential response to changes in dietary fat modification on metabolic syndro- me risk factors: The LIPGENE study. American Journal of Clínical Nutrition. 2015;102(6):1509-1517.
GONZáLEZ-GUARDIA L, YUBERO-SERRANO EM, DELGADO-LIS- TA J, PéREZ-MARTíNEZ P, GARCíA-RIOS A, MARIN C ET AL. Effects of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with coenzyme q10 on metabolomic profiles in elderly men and women.The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biologi- cal sciences and medical sciences. 2015;70(1):78-84.
FINUCANE O.M., LYONS C.L., MURPHY A.M., REYNOLDS C.M., KLINGER R., HEALY N.P. ET AL. Monounsaturated fatty acid-enriched high-fat diets impede adipose NLRP3 in-
During the year 2015 our group has maintained the high level of excellence, accredited in the past. This fact is supported by the following milestones:
We have published 29 articles (JCR), with a high per- centage of leadership in these publications, and an index of more than 122 points cumulative impact. In addition, during the year of 2015, we have develo- ped a total of 13 research projects of national com- petitive calls, and a European project, and we have obtained the financing of a new European project (Power2DM). Within the catchment of the Group’s resources, it should be noted the participation in 18 clinical trials. From the point of view of mobility, we have been receiving several visiting researchers and a researcher of our group has made a stay at the HNRC Tufts University, Boston, (USA). In relation to the human resources we currently enjoy a contract Rio-Hortega, PFIS, FPI, Sara Borrell, Juan de la Cier- va, two Miguel Servet, NicolásMonarde, contract
flammasome-mediated IL-1β secretion and insulin resis- tance despite obesity. Diabetes. 2015;64(6):2116-2128.
GóMEZ-DELGADO F., GARCíA-RIOS A., ALCALA-DIAZ J.F., RAN- GEL-ZUNIGA O., DELGADO-LISTA J., YUBERO-SERRANO E.M. ET AL. Chronic consumption of a low-fat diet improves car- diometabolic risk factors according to the CLOCK gene in patients with coronary heart disease. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2015;59(12):2556-2564.
RANGEL-ZUNIGA O.A., CAMARGO A., MARIN C., PENA-ORIHUE- LA P., PéREZ-MARTíNEZ P., DELGADO-LISTA J. ET AL. Proteo- me from patients with metabolic syndrome is regulated by quantity and quality of dietary lipids. BMC Genomics. 2015;16(1).
medicine internal to enhance the research work of the UGC, and it is defended one PhD these with the highest rating, which means the quality of the formation of our group. Following the creation of a technological spin-off in 2012, our group participa- tes in several projects for generation of electronic based platforms and other e-health devices. Throu- gh this initiative, we finished in 2015 an electronic platform for the management of research projects. It has resulted in the generation of a patent appli- cation owned partially by CIBER “Virtual platform for the management and exploitation of research projects, with application to nutritional intervention studies (Pad-CRD)”, with copyright registration code RPI201599902441360 (Spain). This tool is added to the preliminary patents of previous years, which are still on.
Institution: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (FIBICO)
Contact: Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía · Edificio Consultas Externas 2a Planta Medicina interna. 14004 Córdoba · E.mail: [email protected]
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