Page 76 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 76
Research Groups
Regulación del Metabolismo en la Obesidad
Programme: Physiopathology of the Homeostasis of Body Weight Lead Researcher: Remesar Betlloch, Xavier
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Calderón Domínguez, María | Romero Romero, María Mar.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Alemany Lamana, Mariano | Ariza Piquer, Javier | Calvo Márquez, Merce | Casals Farré, Nuria | Esteve Ráfols, Monserrat | Fernández López, José Antonio | García Gómez, Jorge | Grasa Martí- nez, Mar | Herrero Rodríguez, Laura | Ramírez Flores, Sara | Serra Cucurull, Dolores.
Main lines of research
• Determine how the excess fat in the diet influen- ces the catabolism of amino acids and their role in inflammation. Analysis of urea cycle function i diferent tissues. Effects of high-energy diets.
• Role of protein binding corticosterone (CBG) in the first stage of inflammation to evaluate the mechanism by which hormone fit into the tissue and how can modulate the inflammatory res- ponse.
• Role of CPTI in the development of obesity-indu- ced insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. We study that enhancing fatty acid oxidation in liver, in white and brown adipose tissue can be new therapies against obesity.
• Study of the effect of overexpression of CPT1 in animal models prone to obesity prevention and treatment of obesity, it has been observed that in mice in which obesity is induced by fat diet and which has the CPT1A overexpressed exhibit a re- versal of hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and an almost complete reversal of hepatic steatosis ac- companied by a slight decrease in weight of the animals.
• We study of the role of CPT1A and CPT1C in the hypothalamus in the control of food intake and energy expenditure.
• We study of C75 derivatives as potential drugs against obesity by their interaction with CPT1 at the hypothalamus.
76 I Annual report 2015 I CIBEROBN

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