Page 75 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
ETXEBERRIA U., ARIAS N., BOQUE N., MACARULLA M.T., POR- TILLO M.P., MARTíNEZ J.A. ET AL. Reshaping faecal gut mi- crobiota composition by the intake of trans-resveratrol and quercetin in high-fat sucrose diet-fed rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2015;26(6):651-660.
GóMEZ-ZORITA S., FERNáNDEZ-QUINTELA A., AGUIRRE L., MA- CARULLA M.T., RIMANDO A.M., PORTILLO M.P.. Pterostilbene improves glycaemic control in rats fed an obesogenic diet: Involvement of skeletal muscle and liver. Food and Func-
high-fat sucrose dietary model using liquid chromatogra- phy coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. Food and Function. 2015;6(8):2758-2767.
ESEBERRI I., MIRANDA J., LASA A., CHURRUCA I., PORTILLO M.P.. Doses of quercetin in the range of serum concen- trations exert delipidating effects in 3t3-l1 preadipocytes by acting on different stages of adipogenesis, but not in mature adipocytes. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Lon- gevity. 2015.
tion. 2015;6(6):1968-1976.
ETXEBERRIA U., ARIAS N., BOQUE N., ROMO-HUALDE A., MA- CARULLA M.T., PORTILLO M.P. ET AL. Metabolic faecal fin- gerprinting of trans-resveratrol and quercetin following a
The main research line of our group “Nutrition and Obesity” is a preclinical one devoted to study the health benefits of biomolecules present in foodstu- ffs, which is supported by Plan Nacional and Basque Government grants. In 2015 we have worked in a project aimed to improving resveratrol effectiveness as an anti-obesity molecule, by means of its com- bination with quercetin, another polyphenol which reduces resveratrol metabolism, and thus increases its bioavailability. In this Project we have worked in collaboration with the team lead by Dr. Alfredo Mar- tinez, which belongs to CIBER, in very up-dated to- pics such as, microbiota and metabolomics.
Also working in this research line, we have demons- trated that pterostilbene, a structural analogue of resveratrol which shows higher bioavailability, im- proves glycaemic control in animals fed an obeso- genic diet. This study has been carried out in colla- boration with USDA in USA.
MIRANDA J, LASA A, AGUIRRE L, FERNáNDEZ-QUINTELA A, MILTON I, PORTILLO MP. Potential application of non-flavo- noid phenolics in diabetes: antiinflammatory effects. Curr Med Chem. 2015;22(1):112-31. Review.
In another international collaboration between Spa- nish groups (some of them belonging to CIBER) and French groups, we have found several beneficial effects of piceatannol, a resveratrol derivative. The results will be published in 2016.
Our group also performs activities for knowledge transference to society. We continue implementing a program devoted to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among child population by collabora- ting with the City Hall. It has been applied in Vito- ria-Gasteiz in the frame of the City Nutritional Ob- servatory.
Other remarkable transference activity is the publi- cation of a Practical Guide for the management of type 2 Diabetes, written in collaboration with Infanta Luisa Hospital (Sevilla) and edited by the University of the Basque Country.
Institution: Universidad del País Vasco · Contact: Facultad de Farmacia. Po Universidad, 7. 10062 Vitoria Tel.: 945 013 067 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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