Page 73 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
TOLEDO E., SALAS-SALVADO J., DONAT-VARGAS C., BUIL-CO- SIALES P., ESTRUCH R., ROS E. ET AL. Mediterranean diet and invasive breast cancer risk among women at high car- diovascular risk in the predimed trial a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2015;175(11):1752-1760.
MERINO J., GUASCH-FERRE M., MARTíNEZ-GONZáLEZ M.A., CORELLA D., ESTRUCH R., FITO M. ET AL. Is complying with the recommendations of sodium intake beneficial for health in individuals at high cardiovascular risk? Findings from the PREDIMED study. American Journal of Clínical Nutrition. 2015;101(3):440-448.
JUANOLA-FALGARONA M., SALAS-SALVADO J., BUIL-COSIALES P., CORELLA D., ESTRUCH R., ROS E. ET AL. Dietary glycemic index and glycemic load are positively associated with risk
About the research group on diet / nutrition and car- diovascular prevention, the more important results are:
• Analysis of data from the PREDIMED study: effects of Mediterranean diet on liver fat (steato- sis) assessed by NMR. Study of the relationship involvement of oxidation and inflammation in the protective mechanisms of diet (manuscript in preparation); in cooperation with the group of IMIM we are preparing a manuscript in which the effect of the intervention on lipid metabolism and the role of lipid parameters on the incidence of events is analyzed. With the group of Dr. Fernán- dez-Aranda from the Hospital de Bellvitge we are preparing a protocol to test the effect of statins on neurocognitive aspects (within the program of neurocognitive CIBER).
of developing metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and el- derly adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015;63(10):1991-2000.
VERSMISSEN J., OOSTERVEER D.M., YAZDANPANAH M., DEH- GHAN A., HOLM H., ERDMAN J. ET AL. Identifying genetic risk variants for coronary heart disease in familial hypercho- lesterolemia: An extreme genetics approach. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2015;23(3):381-387.
DE LA SIERRA A., PINTO X., GUIJARRO C., MIRANDA J.L., CA- LLEJO D., CUERVO J. ET AL. Prevalence, Treatment, and Control of Hypercholesterolemia in High Cardiovascular Risk Patients: Evidences from a Systematic Literature Re- view in Spain. Advances in Therapy. 2015;32(10):944-961.
• Within the study PREDIMED plus, we are leading the project about hepatic fat content (steatosis) evaluated by MRI at baseline and after one year of follow-up in both treatment arms. In this sub-pro- ject it is planned to reach a sample of 60 patients and we already have included 57 patients.
• We have developed a clinical practice guideline on the treatment of disorders of lipid metabolism in diabetic patients that has been published in 2015 in the Spanish Journal of Cardiology. Our group has organized the13 Clinical Course lipidology and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in which more than 300 people attended. We have also coordi- nated two seminars on advanced lipidology and participated as an organizing committee in the XI symposium on hypertriglyceridemia on behalf of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis.
Institution: Fundación IDIBELL · Contact: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. C/ Freixa Larga s/n 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat · Tel.: 93 260 79 15 · E.mail: [email protected]
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