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Most relevant scientific articles
• Arias N., Macarulla M.T., Aguirre L., Milton I., Portillo M.P. The combination of resveratrol and quercetin enhances the individual effects of these molecules on triacylglycerol metabolism in white adipose tissue. European Journal of Nutrition. 2016.
• Arias N., Aguirre L., Fernández-Quintela A., González M., Lasa A., Miranda J. et al. MicroRNAs involved in the browning process of adipocytes. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 2016;1-13.
• Carpene C., Hasnaoui M., Balogh B., Matyus P., Fernández-Quintela A., Rodríguez V. et al. Dietary Phenolic Compounds Interfere with the Fate of Hydrogen Peroxide in Human Adipose Tissue but Do Not Directly Inhibit Primary Amine Oxidase Activity. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2016;2016.
• Gracia A., Miranda J., Fernández-Quintela A., Eseberri I., García-Lacarte M., Milagro F.I. et al. Involvement of miR-539-5p in the inhibition of de novo lipogenesis induced by resveratrol in white adipose tissue. Food and Function. 2016;7(3):1680-1688.
• Fernández-Quintela A., Carpene C., Fernández M., Aguirre L., Milton-Laskibar I., Contreras J. et al. Anti-obesity effects of resveratrol: comparison between animal models and humans. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 2016;1-13.
During 2016 we have continued working on the Project (AGL2015-65719-R; 2016-2019), supported by the Spanish Government. Moreover, we have two new projects, supported by the Dpt. of Health from the Basque Government: “Obesity, global epidemic: molecular characterization and dynamic parameters for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic estartegies”.
As far as the traslational activities are concerned, we continue implementing a program devoted to promote fruit and vegetable consumption among scholars in Vitoria-Gasteiz, supported by the City Hall. We have written one Guide “Practical Guide for the management of arterial hypertension. Contreras, A. Fernández-Quintela, L. Aguirre, M.P. Portillo. Ed. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, 2016, ISBN:978- 84-9860-282-0, and we have spread a previous Guide “Practical Guide for the management of type 2 diabetes 2” J. Contreras, A. Fernández-Quintela, L. Aguirre, M.P. Portillo. Ed. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao, 2015., ISBN:078-84-9082-280-7, thanks to a contract with Roche Laboratories.
Moreover, two members of our group have participated in the elaboration of the Feeding Plan 2015-2018 for Basque population (Dpt. Health. Basque Government).
Finally, the IP of the group has participated in the elaboration of the “Guide and Position of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics on Personalised Nutrition: Part 1 - Fields of Precision Nutrition. Ferguson LR, De Caterina R, Görman U, Allayee H, Kohlmeier M, Prasad C, Choi MS, Curi R, de Luis DA, Gil Á, Kang JX, Martin RL, Milagro FI, Nicoletti CF, Nonino CB, Ordovas JM, Parslow VR, Portillo
MP, Santos JL, Serhan CN, Simopoulos AP, Velázquez-Arellano A, Zulet MA, Martinez JA. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 9:12-27 (2016).
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