Page 86 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 86
Remesar Betlloch, Xavier
Universidad de Barcelona
Facultad de Biología. Diagonal, 645
08028 Barcelona
(+34) 93 402 15 18
group Website
Staff members: Mir Bonnín, Joan Francesc | Romero Romero, Maria Mar
Associated members: Alemany Lamana, Mariano | Ariza Piquer, Javier | Calvo Márquez, Merce | Casals Farre, Nuria | Esteve Rafols, Monserrat | Fernández López, José Antonio | García Gómez, Jorge | Grasa Martínez, Mar | Herrero Rodríguez, Laura | Ramírez Flores, Sara | Serra Cucurull, Dolores
Main lines of research
• Role of CPT1 in the development of insulin resistance induced by obesity and type 2 diabetes.
• Role of overexpression of CPT1 in mice in which obesity has been induced by high-fat diet.
• Role of the different CPT1A and CPT1C isoforms in the hypothalamus and its role in the control of
ingestion and energy expenditure.
• Action of C75 derivatives as potential anti-obesity drugs and their interaction with CPT1 in vitro, and in
vivo in the hypothalamus.
• Role of deficiency in the expression of CBG in lipid metabolism and how this lack of expression is
regulated against diets of different caloric content.
• Activity of the urea cycle in adipose tissue: role and meaning. Effect of hyperlipidic diets.
• Metabolism of adipocytes isolated in primary culture. Relationship of its metabolic activity with that of
other cell types of the tissue.

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