Page 94 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 94
Tena Sempere, Manuel
Universidad de Córdoba
Facultad de Medicina. Avd. Menéndez Pidal s/n 14004 Córdoba
(+34) 957 21 82 81 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Barroso Romero, María Alexia | Molero Murillo, Laura | Rivero Cortés, Esther | Rodríguez Sánchez, Ana Belén
Associated members: Aguilar Benítez de Lugo, Enrique | Benito López, Pedro | Castaño Fuentes, Justo Pastor | Castellano Rodríguez, Juan Manuel | Díaz Ruiz Ruiz, José Alberto | Fernández Fernández, Rafael
| García Galiano, David | Gaytan Luna, Francisco | Gracia Navarro, Socorro | León Téllez, Silvia | Luque Huertas, Raúl Miguel | Malagón Poyato, María del Mar | Manfredi Lozano, María | Martínez Fuentes, Antonio Jesús | Peinado Mena, Juan Ramón | Pineda Reyes, Rafael | Pinilla Jurado, Leonor | Roa Rivas, Juan | Ruiz Pino, Francisco | Vázquez Martínez, Rafael Manuel | Vigo Gago, Eva María
Main lines of research
Our group implements integral analyses of various aspects of the pathophysiology of obesity and its complications, by the use of state-of-the-art techniques and cellular and animal models, as well as human samples. Our major research lines are:
• Adipobiology. We conduct proteomic analyses directed to the identification of novel molecular targets that
are altered in the adipose tissue in obesity, with special interest in the characterization of the differential proteomic profile of the various fat depots and their different components (mature adipocytes vs. stromal- vascular fraction). These studies aim also at the identification of novel molecular markers of adipocyte differentiation and insulin resistance.
• Adipose hormone signaling. We aim to characterize the receptors and signaling cascades of key adipokines, with special attention to the characterization of the receptors and intracellular signaling of adiponectin.
• Neuroendocrinology of metabolic alterations. We aim to characterize the endocrine and metabolic alterations of suitable preclinical models of deregulated energy balance, with special attention to the analysis of the contribution of somatostatin/cortistatin, ghrelin, GH/IGF-1, insulin, their receptors and related molecules, involved in the neuro-hormonal mechanisms responsible for the control of food intake, glucose homeostasis and metabolism.
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