Page 35 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
BANOS R.M., MENSORIO M.S., CEBOLLA A., RODILLA E., PALO- MAR G., LISON J.F. ET AL. An internet-based self-administe- red intervention for promoting healthy habits and weight loss in hypertensive people who are overweight or obese: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Cardiovascular Disor- ders. 2015;15(1).
BARJA-FERNáNDEZ S., FOLGUEIRA C., SEOANE L.M., CASA- NUEVA F.F., DIEGUEZ C., CASTELAO C. ET AL. Circulating be- tatrophin levels are increased in anorexia and decreased in morbidly obese women. Journal of Clínical Endocrinolo- gy and Metabolism. 2015;100(9):E1188-E1196.
NAVARRO-HARO M.V., WESSMAN I., BOTELLA C., GARCíA-PA- LACIOS A.. The role of emotion regulation strategies and
The European project MEAL has successfully fini- shed. We have created and tested a platform that helps teachers and nutritionists in nutrition educa- tion of children, with very good results.
Another European project, ehcoBUTLER has star- ted, and we have designed and developed functional specifications of a platform that trains the elders in cognitive and emotional abilities, promoting a heal- thy and active ageing.
Within the Living Better project, we have successfu- lly tested a self-applied program that promotes heal- thy lifestyles in hypertensive patients with obesity.
The 2.0 version of the E-TIOBE platform is being tes- ted to treat childhood obesity. Right now there are two controlled studies in Murcia (Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca) and México (Universidad Nacional Au- tónoma). The objective is to carry out the treatment with the support of E-TIOBE.
Within the framework of the PROMETEO project (Generalitat Valenciana) we have developed an onli- ne intervention program to promote physical activity to prevent depression. An App has been developed to provide data of the context where the users are, in real time.
dissociation in non-suicidal self-injury for women with borderline personality disorder and comorbid eating disor- der. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2015;63:123-130.
AGüERA Z, ROMERO X, ARCELUS J, SáNCHEZ I, RIESCO N, JI- MéNEZ-MURCIA S ET AL. Changes in Body Composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Predictors of Recovery and Treatment Outcome.PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0143012.
KARYOTAKI E., KLEIBOER A., SMIT F., TURNER D.T., PASTOR A.M., ANDERSSON G. ET AL. Predictors of treatment dropout in self-guided web-based interventions for depression: an ‘individual patient data’ meta-analysis. Psychological Me- dicine. 2015.
Actiobe –project financed by the Spanish National Plan-, has developed several tests to analyze the role Virtual Reality has in the promotion of physical activity in children.
We keep on working with Dr Palou’s Nutrigenomics and Obesity Group, Dr Lurbe’s Pediatrics in Child- hood Obesity Group, and with Dr Fernández-Aran- da’s group in the transversal projects of CIBERobn. We are collaborating with Dr De la Torre’s research group, and have jointly applied for a project to the Koplowitz Foundation in order to adapt the E-TIOBE platform to children with Down syndrome, trying to improve their eating habits and increasing their phy- sical activity. We continue actively working on PRE- DIMED-PLUS, and have designed the psychological intervention program the patients follow.
In 2015 three members of our group have finished their PhD, we have applied for 4 local/national pro- jects, and 7 European ones.
Institution: Universitat Jaume I · Contact: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Avenida Sos Baynat, s/n. 12006 Castelló de la Plana · Tel.: 96 438 76 39 · E.mail: [email protected] Website: ·
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 35