Page 37 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
CRUJEIRAS A.B., ZULET M.A., ABETE I., AMIL M., CARREIRA M.C., MARTíNEZ J.A. ET AL. Interplay of atherogenic factors, protein intake and betatrophin levels in obese–metabolic syndrome patients treated with hypocaloric diets. Interna- tional Journal of Obesity. 2015.
CRUJEIRAS AB, CASANUEVA FF. Obesity and the reproduc- tive system disorders: epigenetics as a potential bridge. Human reproduction update. 2015;21(2):249-261.
GURRIARAN-RODRíGUEZ U., SANTOS-ZAS I., GONZáLEZ-SáN- CHEZ J., BEIROA D., MORESI V., MOSTEIRO C.S. ET AL. Action of obestatin in skeletal muscle repair: Stem cell expan-
In this year 2015, the group of M olecular Endocrino- logy has published 37 articles with a cumulative im- pact factor of 138,02 among which Nature Reviews, Human Reproduction Update, Endocrine Reviews y Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology. The group, during this period, has obtained a national project (ISCIII/ AES PI14 /01012) and have established agreements with various companies as well as 2 clinical trials. Noteworthy the process a project funded by FE- DER-INNTERCONECTA from Consellería Innovation and Industry and Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnoló- gico e Industrial (CDTI) – Ministerio de Economía. The aim is to find scientific evidence supporting the use of products derived from mushrooms and fish as healthy foods in patients with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome. M oreover, it is noteworthy the implementation of epigenetic plataform for future projects on obesity and cancer.
sion, muscle growth, and microenvironment remodeling. Molecular Therapy. 2015;23(6):1003-1021.
TANRIVERDI F., SCHNEIDER H.J., AIMARETTI G., MASEL B.E., CASANUEVA F.F., KELESTIMUR F.. Pituitary dysfunction af- ter traumatic brain injury: A clinical and pathophysiologi- cal approach. Endocrine Reviews. 2015;36(3):305-342.
BARJA-FERNáNDEZ S., FOLGUEIRA C., SEOANE L.M., CASA- NUEVA F.F., DIEGUEZ C., CASTELAO C. ET AL. Circulating be- tatrophin levels are increased in anorexia and decreased in morbidly obese women. Journal of Clínical Endocrinolo- gy and Metabolism. 2015;100(9):E1188-E1196.
Equally in this year 2015 the Group continues to de- velop the research focused on the search for new effective therapies against obesity based on oral treatments with antioxidants and the use of nano- particles having obtained very encouraging prelimi- nary results. There have also been significant advan- ces in the project The Obesity Paradox in multiple prevalent diseases: a translational approach whose results will be published during 2016.
Within the CIBER, Endocrinology group actively par- ticipates in several scientific programs and the Fat Bank and during the last year they have obtained obvious progress.
Institution: Servicio Gallego de Salud · Contact: Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Santiago Chopuana S/N. 15706 Santiago de Compostela · Tel.: 981 955 069 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 37