Page 41 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 41
Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
TUDURI E., BEIROA D., PORTEIRO B., LóPEZ M., DIEGUEZ C., NOGUEIRAS R. Acute but not chronic activation of brain glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors enhances glucose-sti- mulated insulin secretion in mice. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2015;17(8):789-799.
CONTRERAS C., GONZáLEZ F., FERNO J., DIEGUEZ C., RAH- MOUNI K., NOGUEIRAS R. ET AL. The brain and brown fat. Annals of Medicine. 2015;47(2):150-168.
BARJA-FERNáNDEZ S., FOLGUEIRA C., SEOANE L.M., CASA- NUEVA F.F., DIéGUEZ C., CASTELAO C. ET AL. Circulating be- tatrophin levels are increased in anorexia and decreased in morbidly obese women. Journal of Clínical Endocrinolo- gy and Metabolism. 2015;100(9):E1188-E1196.
The highlight, this year, our group has been obtai- ning a Ramón y Cajal contract by Sulay Tovar Ph.D. and the patent application, in October, : Methods of using up-regulators of the expression of p53 and /
LEAR PV, GONZáLEZ-TOUCEDA D, PORTEIRO COUTO B, VIAÑO P, GUYMER V, REMZOVA E ET AL. Absence of Intracellular Ion Channels TPC1 and TPC2 Leads to Mature-Onset Obesity in Male Mice, Due to Impaired Lipid Availability for Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue.Endocrinology. 2015;156(3):975-86.
PAZOS P., LIMA L., TOVAR S., GONZáLEZ-TOUCEDA D., DIE- GUEZ C., GARCíA M.C. Divergent responses to thermogenic stimuli in BAT and subcutaneous adipose tissue from in- terleukin 18 and interleukin 18 receptor 1-deficient mice. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
or down-regulators or inhibitors of the expression of p53 for the treatment of NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and / or NASH (Non-alcoholic steato- hepatitis) .Application number: 300 059 223.
Institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 15706 Santiago de Compostela · Tel.: 981 563 100 ·
· Contact: CIMUS. Avda Barcelona 3 E.mail: [email protected]
CIBEROBN I Annual report 2015 I 41