Page 22 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
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P 2. Adipology
Coordinator: Gema Frühbeck Martínez
The research work done in the Adipobiology Programme is outstanding for both its quality and quantity. It should also be stressed that this comprises both intra- and inter- CIBER cooperation work, as well as work done with groups of acknowledged international prestige, which enables taking on much more ambitious and extensive projects, which would otherwise not have been possible and which have materialised in findings of great scientific importance (MORTON ET AL Nat Med 2016;22:771 / MESSINA ET AL Nat Neurosci 2016;19:835 / LAGARRIGUE ET AL J Clin Invest 2016;126:335 / QUESADA-LÓPEZ ET AL Nat Commun
2016;7:13479 / IMBERNON ET AL Hepatology 2016;64:1086). Other relevant accomplishments are having gone further into the knowledge on the contribution made by adipose fat not only to ponderal control, but
also overall metabolic control, in its different facets (TULIPANI ET AL Obesity 2016;24:2451 / CATALÁN ET
AL Diabetes 2016;65:3636 / FUCHO ET AL FASEB J. 2016 Dec 21. pii: fj.201601156R), as well as its response to surgical and/or diet interventions (PÉREZ-MARTÍNEZ J Clin Lipidol 2016;10:1163 / RANGEL-ZÚÑIGA ET
AL Exp Gerontol 2016;83:56 / YUBERO-SERRANO ET AL Atherosclerosis 2016;253:178 / LEÓN-ACUÑA ET
AL Cardiovasc Diabetol 2016;15:68 / GRACIA ET AL Food Funct. 2016;7:1680). It should be stressed that
the cooperation between groups has extended to take on transversal projects between different CIBERs (Inter-CIBER Inflames Project), as well as between different programmes of the CIBEROBN, as is vouched for in the case of the microbiota study (LELOUVIER ET AL Hepatology 2016;64:2015) or the accumulated and synergic effect with the Neurocognition programme.
Progress has also been made in the knowledge of the effects of adipose tissue browning and central control of energy homeostasis, fields in which different CIBEROBN groups are genuine world leaders (GAVALDÀ-NAVARRO ET AL Diabetología 2016;59:2208 / MARTINS ET AL Cell Rep 2016 23;16:2231 / LÓPEZ ET AL Nat Rev Endocrinol 2016;12:421 / MANFREDI-LOZANO ET AL Mol Metab 2016;5:844 / LEÓN ET AL Sci Rep 2016;6:19206). A contribution has also been made to proving the dynamic endocrine functionality
of adipose tissue, for example in the case of the effect of GLP-1 (EL BEKAY ET AL Br J Pharmacol 2016;173:1820) or of the growth factors of fibroblasts (EJAZ ET AL Diabetes 2016;65:902 / ZAREI ET AL Diabetes 2016;65:3185 / OLIVA-OLIVERA ET AL J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016 14:jc20162256).
Other translation activities should be added to this prolific and significant publishing work, such as obtaining resources for creation of the ADIPOPLAST Excellence Network, led by Prof. Villarroya, in
which other groups from the Adipobiology programme are taking part, along with different groups of acknowledged national prestige. One major translational aspect also involves drafting clinical guides and positioning documents concerning obesity and excess adiposity, in particular as a centre of attention. The groups forming part of Programme 2 have furthermore taken part in the formation of international consortiums (see participation in European projects) and pursued the development of patents.