Page 23 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 23
P3. Complications of Obesity
and Child Obesity
Coordinator: Francisco Tinahones Madueño Milestones achieved in 2016*
Milestone1. The CordioPrev study continues to provide results:
1.1.-Genetic variables in Telomerase RNA Component interact with the response to Mediterranean diet. 1.2 Genetic variables of TNFA are related with an inflammatory state.
1.3 Demonstrating the close relationship between metabolic disease and carotid atherosclerosis.
Milestone 2. An article has been published in Journal ‘Clinical Investigation’ as a result of cooperation between CIBEROBN and CIBERDEM.
Milestone 3. The metagenomics platform has been got under way, performing four hundred determinations of our own, interciber and intraciber projects in the last quarter of 2016.
Milestone 4. We have continued to provide data for explanation of discordant phenotypes of obesity - diabetes:
4.1.-We have proven that thin subjects with metabolic syndrome have increased inflammation and drop in the lipogenic capacity in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
4.2 We have proven that the mesenchymal cells of the obese with metabolic syndrome have lower angiogenic capacity.
Milestone 5. We have provided information on the relationship of the microbiota with metabolic illness (two patents have been registered with mixes of probiotics which will be tested in clinical trials). The changes arising in the microbiota with hygiene-diet interventions such as the Mediterranean diet or the intake of polyphenols from red wine have also been described.
Milestone 6. Participation in a collaborative study in which it was shown for the first time that a microbiota profile is associated with hepatic fibrosis in obese subjects.
Milestone 7. New data has been provided on the relationship between endotoxaemia and the development of brown adipose tissue in animal and human models. This line of research is producing collaborative work in the study of the relationship between microbiota and brown adipose fat in humans.
Milestone 8. The analysis of the methylome in breast and colon cancer has been completed in both tumour and adipose tissue. At the present time two manuscripts are being prepared and a patent has been applied for to protect a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of colon cancer.
Milestone 9. It has been discovered that prepuberal children with resistance to insulin have a different metabolomic profile to children sensitive to insulin. Above all, metabolites connected with bile salts are affected.
Milestone 10. European guides on treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents have been led by a CIBEROBN researcher.
*The 10 most important milestones achieved have been registered.
Scientific Programmes 23

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