Page 60 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 60
Gil Campos, María Mercedes
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (FIBICO) Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía P. Bja. Hospital Materno Infantil Avda Menéndez Pidal sn
14004 Córdoba
(+34) 957 73 64 67 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Flores Rojas, Katherine Ubina | Pastor Villaescusa, María Belén
Associated members: Aguilera García, Concepción María | Cañete Estrada, Ramón | Gil Hernández, Ángel | Gómez Llorente, Carolina | Leis Trabazo, María Rosaura | Olza Meneses, Josune
Main lines of research
• Child obesity:
Life habits, body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in prepubertal and pubertal children. Study of body composition through DEXA or bioimpedanciometry.
Study of the physical condition, physical activity and sedentarism.
Study of metabolic, inflammatory, oxidative and cardiovascular risk biomarkers.
Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity.
Genomics, metabolomics, metagenomics and proteomics in obesity. Study of white and brown adipose tissue.
• Infant nutrition: development of probiotics and prebiotics and study of functional components and nutritional status of the child in chronic pathologies and innate errors of metabolism.
• Development of omics related to human nutrition.
P1 | P3 | P5