Page 68 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
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López Miranda, José
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (FIBICO)
Hospital Univ. Reina Sofía Edificio Consultas Externas 1a Pl., Hepatología
14004 Córdoba
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Gómez Luna, Purificación | Peña Orihuela, Patricia Judith | Rangel Zuñiga, Oriol Alberto | Redondo Garrido, Ana
Associated members: Alcalá Díaz, Juan Francisco | Almaden Peña, Yolanda | Blanco Rojo, Ruth | Camargo García, Antonio | Criado García, Juan | Cruz Teno, Cristina | Delgado Casado, Nieves | Delgado Lista, Francisco Javier | Fernández de la Puebla Giménez, Rafael Ángel | Fuentes Jiménez, Francisco José | García Ríos, Antonio | López Segura, Fernando | Marín Hinojosa, Carmen | Paniagua González, Juan Antonio | Pérez Jiménez, Francisco | Pérez Martínez, Pablo | Yubero Serrano, María Elena
Main lines of research
During the year 2016 we have continued to examine various research areas thanks to the CordioPrev Study.
In the gene-diet interaction, results are published that demonstrate the beneficial effect of chronic consumption of a Mediterranean diet as a function of simple nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that
interact with the diet, in patients of high cardiovascular risk, modify intermediate markers of the Disease,
such as parameters of systemic inflammation, lipid metabolism and glucose (Garcia-Rios A, Clin Nutr. 2016:5614(16)31352-8; Gomez-Delgado F, J Gerontol A Biol SciMed Sci. 2016 Oct 5). Similarly, it is also validated in two intervention studies, CORDIOPREV and GOLDN, the association between a variant of the S100A9 gene (SNP rs3014866), insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus is validated in two intervention studies, CORDIOPREV and GOLDN, Blanco-Rojo R, Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Aug; 104 (2): 508-17.
It is established that the oral fat tolerance test could be used in clinical practice as a tool to identify postprandial hyperlipidemia in patients with fasting triglyceride values between 1-2 mmol/l (89-180 mg/dL), through its validation in the intervention studies CORDIOPREV and GOLDN.
In addition, this methodology is used to demonstrate that patients with prediabetes have a lower metabolic flexibility with higher postprandial hypertriglyceridemia than non-diabetic patients. (Perez-Martinez P, Assessment of postprandial triglycerides in clinicalpractice: Validation in a general population and coronary
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