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Most relevant scientific articles
• Solas M., Milagro F.I., Martínez-Urbistondo D., Ramírez M.J., Martínez J.A. Precision Obesity Treatments Including Pharmacogenetic and Nutrigenetic Approaches. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2016;37(7):575-593.
• Morell-Azanza L., García-Calzón S., Rendo-Urteaga T., Martín-Calvo N., Chueca M., Martínez J.A. et al. Serum oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels are related to cardiometabolic risk and decreased after a weight loss treatment in obese children and adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes. 2016.
• Livingstone K.M., Celis-Morales C., Navas-Carretero S., San-Cristoba R., MacReady A.L., Fallaize R. et al. Effect of an Internet-based, personalized nutrition randomized trial on dietary changes associated with the Mediterranean diet: The Food4Me Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016;104(2):288-297.
• Mansego M.L., García-Lacarte M., Milagro F.I., Martí A., Martínez J.A. DNA methylation of miRNA coding sequences putatively associated with childhood obesity. Pediatric Obesity. 2016.
• Nicoletti C.F., Nonino C.B., de Oliveira B.A.P., Pinhel M.A.S., Mansego M.L., Milagro F.I. et al. DNA Methylation and Hydroxymethylation Levels in Relation to Two Weight Loss Strategies: Energy- Restricted Diet or Bariatric Surgery. Obesity Surgery. 2016;26(3):603-611.
The most relevant milestones in the group include the participation in the production of two international clinical guidelines: “Guide and Position of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics on Personalised Nutrition: Part 1 - Fields of Precision Nutrition” and “Guide and Position of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics on Personalized Nutrition: Part 2 - Ethics, Challenges and Endeavors of Precision Nutrition” and the implementation of three new clinical trials (Development of
a Nutrigenetic Test for Personalized Prescription of Body Weight Loss Diets (Obekit)),( Hígado graso no alcohólico en población navarra obesa: abordaje multidisciplinar/nutricional desde el punto de vista clínico y científico). One of them is international and multicentric (Evaluation of the consumption of a medical device on body weight and glycaemic control in overweight and obese subjects with impaired fasting glucose or mild type 2 diabetes: a 2-arms, placebo-controlled intervention study)
The group has also participated in coordinated projects such as PREDIMED-PLUS or INCOMES and other European ones such as PREVIEW or Food4Me.
The number of indexed publications has been 55, in addition to a letter to the editor in New England Journal of Medicine (FTO Obesity Variant and Adipocyte Browning in Humans, N Eng J Med, 2016, 374: 190- 1) and another collaborative paper in British Medical Journal (FTO genotype and weight loss: systematic review and meta-analysis of 9563 individual participant data from eight randomised controlled trials, BMJ, 2016, 254: i4707)
We can also highlight a Summer Course organized by the University of the Basque Country entitled “Progresses in understanding, preventing and managing obesity and diabetes: PREVIEW updates”.
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