Page 76 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
P. 76
Moreno Aznar, Luis Alberto
Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón Edificio CIBA, Planta 0
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13 50009 Zaragoza
(+34) 876 55 44 57 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: De Miguel Etayo, María Pilar | Meléndez Ruiz, Pilar | Muñiz Pardos, Borja
Associated members: Bueno Lozano, María Gloria | Casajús Mallen, Jose Antonio | Garatachea Vallejo, Núria | Gómez Brutón, Alejandro | Gómez Cabello, Alba María | González Gil, Esther | Julián Almarcegui, Cristina | Matute Llorente, Ángel | Santaliestra Pasias, Alba María | Sese Sánchez, María Ascensión | Tomás Aznar, Concepción | Vicente Rodríguez, Germán
Main lines of research
The CB15 / 00043 Group of the Foundation Institute of Health Research in Aragon has as main objective to investigate the main determinants of children and adolescents’ health and their impact on the health of adults in the future. Chronic diseases related to nutrition and lifestyles represent the main causes
of mortality and morbidity in developed countries, such as Spain. From the fetal period, nutrition and lifestyles, including physical activity, influence the development and characteristics of the newborn future. The first 1000 days of life (from conception to the end of the second year) have been identified as the most important period for the correct programming of the physiological mechanisms that predict the onset of chronic diseases. The rapid growth rate from birth to the end of this period, determines the subsequent appearance of obesity and other diseases related to it. During the preschool, school and adolescent years, the lifestyles that usually persist throughout life are established. For this reason, their identification and improvement are a strategy that will improve the health of the population in the future.
Our research group main activity is to investigate the principal determinants of the appearance of obesity and to develop the most effective strategies that allow its prevention.
P3 | P1