Page 84 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
P. 84
Research Groups
Obesidad, Neuroendocrinología
y Función Reproductora (UCO)
Programme: Physiopathology of the Homeostasis of Body Weight / Complications of Obesity / Adipobiology
Lead Researcher: Tena Sempere, Manuel
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Barroso Romero, María Alexia | Molero Murillo, Laura | Rivero Cortés, Esther | Rodríguez Sánchez, Ana Belén
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Aguilar Benítez de Lugo, Enrique | Benito López, Pedro | Castaño Fuentes, Justo Pastor | Castellano Rodríguez, Juan Manuel | Díaz Ruiz Ruiz, José Alberto | Fernández Fernández, Rafael | García Galiano, David | Gaytán Luna, Francisco | Gracia Navarro, Socorro | León Téllez, Silvia | Luque Huertas, Raul Miguel | Malagón Poyato, Ma del Mar | Manfredi Lozano, María | Martínez Fuentes, Antonio Jesús | Peinado Mena, Juan Ramón | Pineda Reyes, Rafael | Pinilla Jurado, Leonor | Roa Rivas, Juan | Ruiz Pino, Francisco | Vázquez Martínez, Rafael Manuel | Vigo Gago, Eva Ma
Main lines of research
Our group implements integral analyses of various aspects of the pathophysiology of obesity and its complications, by the use of state-of-the-art tech- niques and cellular and animal models, as well as human samples. Our major research lines are:
• Adipobiology. We conduct proteomic analyses di- rected to the identification of novel molecular tar- gets that are altered in the adipose tissue in obe- sity, with special interest in the characterization of the differential proteomic profile of the various fat depots and their different components (mature adipocytes vs. stromal-vascular fraction). These studies aim also at the identification of novel mo- lecular markers of adipocyte differentiation and insulin resistance.
• Adipose hormone signaling. We aim to characte- rize the receptors and signaling cascades of key adipokines, with special attention to the characte- rization of the receptors and intracellular signaling of adiponectin.
• Neuroendocrinology of metabolic alterations. We aim to characterize the endocrine and me- tabolic alterations of suitable preclinical models of deregulated energy balance, with special at- tention to the analysis of the contribution of so- matostatin/cortistatin, ghrelin, GH/IGF-1, insulin, their receptors and related molecules, involved in the neuro-hormonal mechanisms responsible for the control of food intake, glucose homeostasis and metabolism.
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