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• Puberty, reproduction and obesity. We aim to characterize the alterations of puberty and repro- ductive function in conditions of energy imbalan- ce, with special attention to the impact of obesity on puberty onset, gonadotropic function and fer- tility. Our interest is also covering the pathophy- siology of early onset obesity and its link with pu- bertal disorders, addressed by the use of suitable preclinical models.
• Gonadal factors and obesity. We study the meta- bolic alterations associated to gonadal and repro- ductive dysfunction, with special attention to the
analysis of the influence of nutritional and gona- dal factors in the generation of obesity, as studies by the use of preclinical models of sequential obe- sogenic insults.
• Obesity and cancer. We aim to evaluate the alte- rations induced by obesity in the generation and progression of hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, using both human samples and suitable animal models, with special attention to the analysis of neuroen- docrine metabolic and inflammatory markers.
Research Groups
Most relevant scientific articles
DIAZ-RUIZ A., GUZMAN-RUIZ R., MORENO N.R., GARCíA-RIOS A., DELGADO-CASADO N., MEMBRIVES A. ET AL. Proteasome Dysfunction Associated to Oxidative Stress and Proteo- toxicity in Adipocytes Compromises Insulin Sensitivity in Human Obesity. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 2015;23(7):597-612.
LUQUE R.M., SAMPEDRO-NUNEZ M., GAHETE M.D., RAMOS-LE- VI A., IBANEZ-COSTA A., RIVERO-CORTES E. ET AL. In1-ghre- lin, a splice variant of ghrelin gene, is associated with the evolution and aggressiveness of human neuroendocrine tumors: Evidence from clinical, cellular and molecular pa- rameters. Oncotarget. 2015;6(23):19619-19633.
Our activities are centered in the scientific programs of Adipobiology, Complications of Obesity & Child Obesity, and Pathophysiology of Body Weight Ho- meostasis. In this context, our contributions have included, among others, the characterization of adipocyte dysfunction in obesity, an area in which we have provided new data about proteasome dere- gulation in the adipose tissue linked to insulin resis- tance in obese individuals. Our group has also made substantial contributions in the area of obesity and cancer, with special attention to the definition of the prognostic and pathophysiological value of va- riants of the metabolic hormone, ghrelin (in detail, In1-Ghrelin) in neuroendocrine tumors, where this variant can predict evolution and aggressiveness. In addition, data from our group in preclinical models
lin splicing variant is overexpressed in pituitary adenomas and increases their aggressive features. Scientific Re- ports. 2015;5.
SáNCHEZ-GARRIDO M.A., RUIZ-PINO F., MANFREDI-LOZANO M., LEON S., HERAS V., CASTELLANO J.M. ET AL. Metabolic and gonadotropic impact of sequential obesogenic in- sults in the female: Influence of the loss of ovarian secre- tion. Endocrinology. 2015;156(8):2984-2998.
LóPEZ M., TENA-SEMPERE M.. Estrogens and the control of energy homeostasis: A brain perspective. Trends in Endo- crinology and Metabolism. 2015;26(8):411-421.
of obesity have contributed to decipher the central mechanisms of the state of hypogonadism linked to obesity, by the identification of the putative role of the neuropeptide system, Kiss1/kisspeptin, in this phenomenon. On the other hand, as reflection of the important contributions of our group in the characterization of the interplay between energy homeostasis, metabolism and gonadal factors, we have contributed an authoritative review on the cen- tral mechanisms whereby estrogens control body weight (in collaboration with M. Lopez, USC) and have participated in a very recent work delineating novel epigenetic mechanisms for the central control of puberty, which might help to define the molecular basis for deregulation of puberty in conditions such as obesity.
Institution: Universidad de Córdoba · Contact: Facultad de Medicina. Avd. Menéndez Pidal s/n. 14004 Córdoba · Tel.: 957 21 82 81 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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