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sity and insulin resistance, associated to the de-
velopment of tumors in humans.
• PREDIMED+ Study. In this line we are focused
on the study of a Mediterranean diet intervention
with olive oil and nuts (pistachios and almonds), in order to prevent the cardiovascular disease in overweight/obese metabolic syndrome patients.
Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
ROCA-RODRíGUEZ M.M., BEKAY R.E., GARRIDO-SáNCHEZ L., GóMEZ-SERRANO M., COIN-ARAGUEZ L., OLIVA-OLIVERA W. ET AL. Parathyroid hormone-related protein, human adi-
BARBARROJA N, RODRíGUEZ-CUENCA S, NYGREN H, CAMARGO A,PIRRACOA,RELATJETAL.Increaseddihydroceramide/ce- ramide ratio mediated by defective expression of degs1 im-
pose-derived stem cells adipogenic capacity and healthy obesity. Journal of Clínical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015;100(6):E826-E835.
CLEMENTE-POSTIGO M., ROCA-RODRíGUEZ M.D.M., CAMARGO A., OCANA-WILHELMI L., CARDONA F., TINAHONES F.J.. Lipopoly- saccharide and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein levels and their relationship to early metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2015;11(4):933-939.
In this year (2015), we have been granted with three new national public grants entitled: “Epigenetic modi- fications and microbiota in the genesis of adipose tis- sue dysfunction and insulin resistance (PI15/01114)”, “Influence of gut microbiota in the toxicity and respon- se to the radio-chemotherapy pre-surgery in locally ad- vanced rectal cancer patients (PI15/00256)” and “Epi- genetic changes in the evolution of the metabolically healthy obese patients. Searching for new biomarkers. Prospective and interventional studies (PI15/01350)”, together with the other 15 grants of previous calls (one European, 9 nationals and 5 regionals grants).
We have applied for two new patents “Identification method of individuals prone to suffer diabetes and other metabolic diseases” (P201531945) and “Com- positions for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syn- drome and related diseases” (P201531946).
We have participated in the consensus guide entitled “Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency, with or without anemia, before and after bariatric surgery”, published in the journal of the Spanish Society of En- docrinology.
pairs adipocyte differentiation and function.Diabetes. 2015;.
MORENO-INDIAS I, TORRES M, MONTSERRAT JM, SáNCHEZ-AL- COHOLADO L, CARDONA F, TINAHONES FJ ET AL. Intermittent hypoxia alters gut microbiota diversity in a mouse model of sleep apnoea.The European respiratory journal. 2015.
OLIVA-OLIVERA W., GEA A.L., LHAMYANI S., COIN-ARAGUEZ L., TORRES J.A., BERNAL-LóPEZ M.R. ET AL. Differences in the os- teogenic differentiation capacity of omental adipose-derived stem cells in obese patients with and without metabolic syn- drome. Endocrinology. 2015;156(12):4492-4501.
On the other hand, we are developing 25 clinical trials in phase II and phase III. In some of which we are inclu- ded in the Steering Committee of their development. We are participating in two European actions of Ho- rizon 2020: Associate member in the project titled: “Health and Nutrition Biomarkers, JPI-HDHL-BioNH (EU-FOODBALL)” and Member of working group in the COST Action FA 1403, POSITIVe: “Interindividual varia- tion in response to consumption of plant food bioacti- ves and determinants involved”.
As the most important results, we highlight the disco- very of new molecules that regulate the adipose tissue function and the acquisition of solid data about the effect of the gut microbiota in the metabolic disease. These results have been published in high profile jour- nals and hold a high number of citations. Moreover, many of these works have been the result of collabo- rative studies.
Institution: Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS) Contact: Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya · Plaza del Hospital Civil S/N. 29000 Málaga
Tel.: 951 034 016 · E.mail: [email protected]
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