Page 89 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
HERRANZ-LóPEZ M., BARRAJON-CATALAN E., SEGURA-CA- RRETERO A., MENENDEZ J.A., JOVEN J., MICOL V.. Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) polyphenols alleviate obe- sity-related disturbances in hypertrophic adipocytes through AMPK-dependent mechanisms. Phytomedicine. 2015;22(6):605-614.
JIMéNEZ-MONREAL A.M., ANTONIA MURCIA M., GóMEZ-MUR- CIA V., DEL MAR BIBILONI M., PONS A., TUR J.A. ET AL. An- thropometric and quality-of-life parameters in acute in-
BIBILONI M.D.M., SALAS R., NOVELO H.I., VILLARREAL J.Z., SU- REDA A., TUR J.A.. Serum lipid levels and dyslipidaemia pre- valence among 2-10 year-old northern mexican children. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(3).
BORRáS-LINARES I, PéREZ-SáNCHEZ A, LOZANO-SáNCHEZ J, BARRAJóN-CATALáN E, ARRáEZ-ROMáN D, CIFUENTES A ET AL. A bioguided identification of the active compounds that contribute to the antiproliferative/cytotoxic effects of rosemary extract on colon cancer cells.Food and che-
termittent porphyria patients. Medicine (United States). 2015;94(30).
DEL MAR BIBILONI M., TUR J.A., MORANDI A., TOMMASI M., TO- MASSELLI F., MAFFEIS C.. Protein intake as a risk factor of overweight/obesity in 8-to 12-year-old children. Medicine (United States). 2015;94(52).
The research project no. PI11/01791 has ended this year and preliminary results have been described: (1) physical activity =1100 MET/min/wk in men and =350 MET/min/wk in women is the cut-off for de- fining active subjects; (2) active subjects showed higher levels of creatinine, index urea/creatinine, HDL-cholesterol, potassium, free T4 and serum folic acid and lower levels of triglycerides, VLDL-choleste- rol, iron and TSH and lower WBC and neutrophils; (3) the liquid intake was higher in the active group, but decreased with age; (4) active women showed hi- gher accumulated levels of calcium, chromium, iron and zinc, but lower mercury than inactive peers. The research project no. PI14/00636 (PREDIMED+DM) has started: a longitudinal intervention study of the effect of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascu- lar health (PREDIMED PLUS) and evaluation of the effect of physical activity on physical performance.
mical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association. 2015;80:215-22.
Collaborating with the University of Verona (Italy) we have described a positive relationship between ener- gy intake from proteins and overweight/obesity sta- tus in children (8-12 years old). Collaborating with the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon we have described the prevalence of dyslipidaemia and its components in children aged 2-10 years in Northern Mexico. The experimental work for a patent has also been performed along 2015 (date of application: January 2016). Dr. Josep A. Tur was also appointed to the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for the Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN), collaborating in 7 technical reports in 2015.
Institution: Universitat de les Illes Balears · Contact: Facultad de Ciencias de Mallorca Ctra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. 07122 Palma · Tel.: 971 173 146 · E.mail: [email protected]
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