Page 91 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research Groups
GAVALDA-NAVARRO A., HONDARES E., GIRALT M., MAMPEL T., IGLESIAS R., VILLARROYA F.. Fibroblast growth factor 21 in breast milk controls neonatal intestine function. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
GALLEGO-ESCUREDO J.M., GóMEZ-AMBROSI J., CATALAN V., DOMINGO P., GIRALT M., FRUHBECK G. ET AL. Opposite alterations in FGF21 and FGF19 levels and disturbed expression of the receptor machinery for endocrine FGFs in obese patients. International Journal of Obesity. 2015;39(1):121-129.
VILLARROYA F., GIRALT M.. The beneficial effects of brown fat transplantation: Further evidence of an en-
In 2015 the group has obtained several research projects funded via competitive calls from national agencies (Biomedicine MINECO; FIS-ISCIII) as well as transfer projects with private companies (Lucta, Lilly Portugal) ifor research on CIBERobn subjects. A. Planavila,a researcher in our group, has obtained a project from the prestigious Marató TV3 agen- cy. The PI of group presented research results at various national and international conferences to which he has been invited (Keystone Meeting USA; European Congress on Obesity in Prague, Congress
docrine role of brown adipose tissue. Endocrinology. 2015;156(7):2368-2370.
SáNCHEZ-INFANTES D, GALLEGO-ESCUREDO JM, DíAZ M, ARAGONéS G, SEBASTIANI G, LóPEZ-BERMEJO A ET AL. Cir- culating FGF19 and FGF21 surge in early infancy from in- fra- to supra-adult concentrations.International journal of obesity (2005). 2015.
GIRALT M., GAVALDA-NAVARRO A., VILLARROYA F.. Fibroblast growth factor-21, energy balance and obesity. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2015;418:66-73.
SEEDO in Malaga, European Congress of Pediatric Endocrinology, Barcelona). Training (PhD) and dis- semination (contributions to various media and te- levision) tasks have been developed. All this is avai- lable on the group’s website The PI of our grroup has received in 2015 the prestigious ICREA Academy Award by Generalitat de Catalunya for the preferential dedication to research.
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona · Contact: Facultad de Biología. Universitat de Barcelona
Diagonal, 643. 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 402 15 25 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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