Page 88 - CIBEROBN-2015-eng
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Research Groups
Grupo de Nutrition, Ejercicio, Riesgo Cardiovascular,
Obesidad y Estrés oxidativo (NUTECOX)
Programme: Nutrition / New Strategies and Biomarkers Lead Researcher: Tur Marí, Josep Antoni
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Bibiloni Esteva, Maria del Mar
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Batle Vidal, Joan Miquel | de la Peña Fernández, Andrés | Gámez Martínez, José María | González Gross, María Marcela | Jiménez Monreal, Antonia María | Julibert García, Alicia | Llompart Alabern, Isabel | Martínez Tome, Magdalena | Micol Molina, Vicente | Murcia Tomás, María Antonia | Palacios Le Ble, Gonzalo | Pich Solé, Jorge | Pons Biescas, Antoni | Puig Mojer, Marta Sebastiana | Ripoll Vera, Tomás | Roche Collado, Enrique | Sureda Gomila, Antoni.
Main lines of research
• Characterization and monitoring of the dietary pattern of the population, the prevalence of obesi- ty and its comorbidities.
• Longitudinal intervention study of the effect of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular health (PREDIMED).
• Evaluation of the effect of physical activity on health and quality of life.
• Search of strategies to enhance antioxidant de- fenses.
• Functional food and sports performance.
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