Page 63 - CIBEROBN2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Martínez-Huelamo M., Vallverdu-Queralt A., Di Lecce G., Valderas-Martínez P., Tulipani S., Jauregui O. et al. Bioavailability of tomato polyphenols is enhanced by processing and fat addition: Evidence from a randomized feeding trial. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2016.
• Quifer-Rada P., Choy Y.Y., Calvert C.C., Waterhouse A.L., Lamuela-Raventós R.M. Use of metabolomics and lipidomics to evaluate the hypocholestreolemic effect of Proanthocyanidins from grape seed in a pig model. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2016.
• Ruiz-Lozano T., Vidal J., De Hollanda A., Canteras M., Garaulet M., Izquierdo-Pulido M. Evening chronotype associates with obesity in severely obese subjects: Interaction with CLOCK 3111T/C. International Journal of Obesity. 2016;40(10):1550-1557.
• Lamuela-Raventós R.M., Quifer-Rada P. Effect of dietary polyphenols on cardiovascular risk. Heart. 2016.
• Colman-Martínez M., Martínez-Huelamo M., Miralles E., Estruch R., Lamuela-Raventós R.M. A new method to simultaneously quantify the antioxidants: Carotenes, xanthophylls, and Vitamin A in human plasma. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2016;2016.
During the 2016 the group has been working in the next projects:
• The study PREDIMED and PREDIMED+ where the effect of consumption of polyphenols and other
bioactive compounds in primary prevention and obesity is being evaluated.
• Bioactive components of “sofrito”. Metabolomic study and mechanisms involved in the control of
oxidative stress and inflammation (ref. AGL2013-49083-C3-1-R). The clinical trial has ended and the
resulting data is being analyzed.
• Probiotics increase the presence of phenolic bioactive compounds in the body and decrease
cardiovascular risk parameters (Danone Institute call 2014). This project has ended.
• A new research project granted by the “Generalitat de Catalunya” which objective is to demonstrate
the nutritional benefits of following an organic vs. conventional diets using “omics technologies” (ref.53 05012 2016). A clinical trial has been done in young healthy volunteers. The clinical trial has almost ended and the samples analysis will start once it has ended.
• Three projects granted by the European Foundation for Alcoholic Reserach ERAB (EA 15 14, EA 15 15 y EA 15 17) has been started, those projects are being managed by CIBER.
During the year 2016, two competitive projects have been awarded and they will start in 2017:
• School-based educational intervention to face obesity and promote Cardiovascular health among
Spanish adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Funded by “Fundació La Marató de TV3”.
• Effect of diet polyphenols on the insulin sensitivity, inflammation markers and diabetes mellitus type 2.
Funded by the “Ministerio de Economía y competitividad”, reference AGL2016-79113.
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